- NoSQL Weekly Jobs - 國外找 NoSQL 相關工作的版面
- NoSQL Job Trends (2011-06-15)
- Paper: NoSQL Databases - NoSQL Introduction and Overview (2011-04-13)
- Using MySQL as a NoSQL - A story for exceeding 750,000 qps on a commodity server (2010-10-20)
- 維基百科:NoSQL 分類
- Enterprise NoSQL: Silver Bullet or Poison Pill?
- Which open source NoSQL databases are you using?
- 2009-07-01: No to SQL? Anti-database movement gains steam
- NoSQL 活動 - 漸漸有一股勢力在推動不要用 SQL Database .... 資料庫真的退流行了嗎??!! (2009-07-16)
- 我個人的觀點是任何典範的轉移並不會一蹴可及,馬上轉換,往往是潛移默化,慢慢地改變。 (2009-07-27)
- NoSQL 會不會歷史重演 OODBMS ?! - Why Aren't You Using An OODMS? (2010-07-25)
- I can't wait for NoSql to die - NoSQL to die (中文評論)
There was no great story on schema migration either.
- I can't wait for NoSql to die - NoSQL to die (中文評論)
- Scaling Rails Site:Reading Material # 1~ # 5 (2010-07-26)
- 2009-07-25 : Distributed Key-Value Database - gslin 介紹分散式 Key-Value Datastore 的一些背景觀念 (2010-07-26)
- 2009-11-06 : Key-Value 系統 分類整理 (NoSQL)
- NoSQL 的 A (ACID), B (BASE), C (CAP Theorem)
- BASE: An Acid Alternative
- CAP Theorem - Errors in Database Systems, Eventual Consistency, and the CAP Theorem
- CAP theorem - Consistency (一致性), Availibility (可用性), Partition Tolerance (容錯性)三個勢必要犧牲其中一個!!
- Is NoSQL only for BigData? (2010-11-01) - 這篇文章提到 NoSQL 使用的三個適當時機,至少要滿足其中兩個。
* Velocity - The data needs to be processed in a timely manner * Volume - The amount of data is large (this fits the traditional Big Data use case) * Variety - The data varies and is not a good fit for a fixed schema
Papers and Websites
- - 一個關於 NoSQL 與分散式系統的論文閱讀俱樂部!!!!
- - 介紹 NoSQL 分類的重要入口網站
- A Universal NoSQL Engine, Using a Tried and Tested Technology - 這篇文章蠻清楚地說明了不同的 NoSQL 資料庫型態在資料結構上的差異。
趨勢分析 Trend Observation
- 從 Simply Hired 職缺趨勢來看 NoSQL 的需求量,可以看到 Amazon 的 SimpleDB 曾經一度很高。 2010 年 NoSQL 職缺排行榜:Cassandra > HBase > CouchDB =~ MongoDB > SimpleDB (2010-07-25)(2010-07-27)
- 當然縱使 MongoDB 與 CouchDB 已經有很高的排行榜,跟 SQLite 比起來,還是差很多。 從 Google Trends 的搜尋趨勢可以看到 SQLite > Google Gears > CouchDB 的趨勢,象徵著 distributed database 的影響力尚未普及。 (2009-09-23)
- 從 2010 年 Google Trends 的搜尋趨勢可以看到 MongoDB 已經接近 Google Gears 了(當然跟 Google 宣布支援 HTML5 Local Database 有關). (2010-04-24)
- Structured storage (2010-07-26)
- Which databases solve my problem? a survey of open source databases - <note> Survey of Open Source Database -
- HBase vs. Cassandra: NoSQL Battle!
- 2010-07-04 : MongoDB, CouchDB, MySQL Compare Grid (2010-07-26)
- 2010-06-30 : A brief comparison of MongoDB and CouchDB (2010-07-26)
- 2010-06-12 : Nifty New Databases (2010-07-26)
- 2010-03-30 : CouchDB vs MongoDB Comparison (2010-07-26)
- 2010-02-25 : Datastore Comparison: High Performance Scalable Data Stores (PDF) - Paper: High Performance Scalable Data Stores (2010-07-26)
- 2010-01-05 : NoSql Databases – Part 1 - Landscape
Distributed | Not Distributed (responsibility on client) |
* Amazon Dynamo * Amazon S3 * Scalaris * Voldemort * CouchDB (thru Lounge) * Riak * MongoDB (in alpha) * BigTable * Cassandra * HyperTable * HBase | * Redis * Tokyo Tyrant * MemcacheDB * Amazon SimpleDB |
- 2009-11-25 : NoSQL数据库探讨之一 - 为什么要用非关系数据库?
- 2009-11-15 : NoSQL: scaling to size and scaling to complexity - 說明了 Key-Value Store, BigTable Clones (aka "Column Family") , Document Oriented, Graph Databases 在大小(Size)與複雜度上的關係。
- 2009-11-15 : MongoDB’s performance as compared to others
- 2009-11-09 : NoSQL Ecosystem (2010-07-25)
- 2009-10-21 : NoSQL Misconceptions - 關於 NoSQL 的錯誤觀念
- [影片] MapReduce vs MySQL (speaker Stu Hood) - Part 1 (2009-09-23)
- [影片] MapReduce vs MySQL (speaker Stu Hood) - Part 2 (2009-09-23)
- [影片] MapReduce vs MySQL (speaker Stu Hood) - Part 3 (2009-09-23)
Open Source Projects
- 2009-06-13: NOSQL debrief (2009-08-22)
- NOSQL - CouchDB (2009-08-11)
- NOSQL - Hypertable (2009-08-11)
- NOSQL - HBase (2009-08-11)
- 2009-01-19 : Anti-RDBMS: A list of distributed key-value stores - 列舉出一些分散式 key-value 資料庫 (2009-09-23)
- 噗浪的lightcloud。
- gears-dblib - A simple abstraction on top of the Database object in Gears (2009-09-23)
- orient - NoSQL document database light, portable and fast. Supports ACID Tx, Indexes, asynch queries, SQL layer, clustering, etc (2009-09-23)
- 2009-03-30 : non-RDBM distributed databases, map/reduce, key/value and cloud computing (2010-07-25)
NoSQL : HBase
- 11-04-08 : How to design a schema for Hbase
- 11:10–12:00 Upcoming improvements for HBase - Andrew Purtell (Trend Micro) (2010-04-24)
- Big Data -> Medium Data 都需要
- Cloud Computing - Scale Free
- Disk Seek time remains nearly constant -> Index(B-Tree), Seek (RMDB) 慢!!
- No distributed transactions, no complex locking, no waits or deadlocks
- 不要用 Spreadsheet 的想法看待 HBase, 或許可以用 Tag 的想法去看待它。
- HBase 跟 BigTable 都是 CP 架構(注重 Consistancy 與 Partition Tolerance,根據 CAP Theorem 因此無法確保 Avaibility,寧可服務中斷也要資料正確!!)
- HDFS-200 (working append) 將在 HBase 0.20.5 加入支援資料持續遞增的功能。
- ACID ? - atomicity, consistency, isolation, durability
- 新功能:
- 跨資料中心備份 - 透過 Log Ship HBASE-1295 : Multi data center replication
- 安全性強化 - 支援 authentication, authorization,Yahoo! 寫了很多新的安全性支援,包括 Kerberos 認證、Data isolation at the HDFS layer、Secure RPC。因此必須新增角色來作存取控管(Access Control Role)
- Coprocessor - 靈感來自於 BigTable 的新功能 Coprocessor,加入 RegionObservor (需要再花點時間看清楚用途!!)
- 最近 waue 在投影片中用到一張新的 MapReduce 圖,今天再次在 Andrew 的演講中看到,出處是 Lars George 的部落格『HBase MapReduce 101 - Part I』
- FOSDEM 2010 NoSQL Talk
- HBase vs. CouchDB in Berlin
- How gets its data - Mozilla 用 HBase 來統計 Firefox 4 的即時下載數量
NoSQL : Cassandra
- Cassandra - a highly scalable, eventually consistent, distributed, structured key-value store. (2009-09-18)
- Looking to the future with Cassandra
- Cassandra was open sourced by Facebook in 2008
- Cassandra brings together the distributed systems technologies from Dynamo and the data model from Google's BigTable.
- 09:00–09:50 nosql cassandra - Gasol (Pixnet) (2010-04-24)
- 具備副本機制,優先存在記憶體中,後續寫入 commit log 中。採取完全平等的分散式架構,沒有 Hadoop NameNode 單點失效問題(Single Point of Failure)
- 2010-03-02: 4 Months with Cassandra, a love story - 用 Cassandra 的經驗分享 (2010-03-04)
- DevOpsDays LiveBlog – Cassandra and Puppet - 談用 Puppet 佈署 Cassandra 叢集
Use Case
- 2010-07-09 : Cassandra at Twitter Today (2010-07-30)
- 2010-03-07 : Saying Yes to NoSQL; Going Steady with Cassandra - Digg 決定繼續使用 Cassandra
- 2010-02-23 : Cassandra @ Twitter: An Interview with Ryan King - Twitter 很早就想用 Cassandra
- 2009-07-02 : up and running with cassandra (內容於 2010-05-11 更新)
- 2009-09-09 : Looking to the future with Cassandra - Digg 使用 Cassandra
After considering HBase, Hypertable, Cassandra, Tokyo Cabinet/Tyrant, Voldemort, and Dynomite, we settled on Cassandra.
- Cassandra Debian 套件 (2010-07-25)
- Consistency (中文) (2010-07-25)
- 2010-05-30 : Cassandra Jump Start For The Windows Developer (2010-07-27)
- 2010-05-24 : How to install NOSQL cassandra DB in ubuntu and debian via ppa repository (2010-07-27)
NoSQL : MongoDB
- 2011-03-28 : The Little MongoDB Book
- 2010-02-28 : Notes from a production MongoDB deployment - 大型 MongoDB 不數的建議
- 2009-07-25 : Choosing a non-relational database; why we migrated from MySQL to MongoDB
- 2009-11-19 : Getting Non-Relational with MongoDB
NoSQL : CouchDB
- CouchDB (2009-09-23)
- Ubuntu couchdb 套件 (2009-09-23)
- Debian couchdb 套件 (2009-09-23)
- Modeling Entity Relationships in CouchDB (2009-09-23)
- couchdb-fuse - CouchDB FUSE File System (2009-09-23)
- [影片] Next Generation Data Storage with CouchDB (speaker: Jan Lehnardt) - Part 1 (2009-09-23)
- [影片] Next Generation Data Storage with CouchDB (speaker: Jan Lehnardt) - Part 2 (2009-09-23)
- 在看維基百科的時候,發現 CouchDB 同時被分屬在 Column-oriented DBMS 跟 Document-oriented database (2009-09-23)
- Interactive CouchDB - 這裡用 Java Script 示範了 CouchDB 結合不同用途的 MapReduce 實作。
- dot.Cloud - an open-source cloud federation platform. - 從 Feature 看起來頗 Powerful (2009-09-23)
- Keep your servers under revision control
- Stop worrying about maintaining state: just create and kill instances
- Use tools you know: rsync, mercurial/git, ssh
- Push a small upgrade to your images without moving gigabytes around
- Replicate multi-server setups in just one command
- Cleanly separate data (DB, logs, content) and code (OS, libraries, binaries, configuration)
- Map data volumes to any available storage (NAS, EBS, S3)
- Save bandwidth by delivering your app closer to the consumer
- 2009-11-04 : Benchmarking CouchDB with Baracus
NoSQL : Voldemort
- Voldemort - a distributed key-value storage system (2009-09-18)
- used at LinkedIn for certain high-scalability storage problems
NoSQL : Redis
- redis - A persistent key-value database with built-in net interface written in ANSI-C for Posix systems
NoSQL : Neo4j
- Graph database - 用來儲存關係的 Graph
- Neo4j has been in commercial development for 10 years and in production for over 7 years. - 哇!還開發蠻久了耶~
- 目前看到生物資訊的資料庫有用它 - - Bio4j is a bioinformatics graph based DB including most data available in UniProt? (SwissProt? + Trembl) plus Gene Ontology (GO) and UniRef? (50,90,100).
NoSQL : Trinity
- Trinity - a graph database and computation platform over distributed memory cloud. 由微軟開發的 Graph Database。
- 文中提到 Trinity 與 Neo4j, HyperGraphDB, InfiniteGraph, 以及 Google 的 Pregel(2010-10-20)
NoSQL : Riak
- 官方網站:
- <Video> Justin Sheehy 談 Riak
- 資安論壇 - <研究> Riak 資料庫 安裝(CentOS 5.5 x86)
Basho Riak: An Open Source Scalable Data Store Riak 是一款非常適合於 Web 應用程序的數據庫,它提供了去中心化的 Key/Value 存儲,靈活的 map/reduce 引擎 和友好的 HTTP/JSON 查詢接口。它是一個真正的容錯系統,不會出現單點故障,在 Riak 世界中,沒有哪台機器是特殊 的或屬核心服務器,它們都是對等的。
Use Case
Last modified 13 years ago
Last modified on Oct 30, 2011, 8:30:45 PM
Attachments (27)
- 10-07-25_NoSQL_Hired_Trend.png (294.6 KB) - added by jazz 15 years ago.
- 10-07-25_HBase_Hired_Trend.png (252.3 KB) - added by jazz 15 years ago.
- 10-07-25_Hadoop_Hired_Trend.png (252.6 KB) - added by jazz 15 years ago.
- 10-07-25_RDBMS_Hired_Trend.png (261.3 KB) - added by jazz 15 years ago.
- 10-07-25_Virtualization_Hired_Trend.png (263.4 KB) - added by jazz 15 years ago.
- 8_NoSQL_No_Injection.pdf (378.1 KB) - added by jazz 15 years ago.
- 2009-11-14 Non-relational data stores for OpenSQL Camp.pdf (364.9 KB) - added by jazz 15 years ago.
- 50332.pdf (1.4 MB) - added by jazz 15 years ago.
- amazon-dynamo-sosp2007.pdf (879.4 KB) - added by jazz 15 years ago.
- Datastores.pdf (118.9 KB) - added by jazz 15 years ago.
- 10-07-27_simpledb_hbase_couchdb_mongodb_cassandra_Hired_Trends_1.png (88.0 KB) - added by jazz 15 years ago.
- 10-07-27_simpledb_hbase_couchdb_mongodb_cassandra_Hired_Trends.png (132.0 KB) - added by jazz 15 years ago.
- 10-07-27_simpledb_hbase_couchdb_mongodb_cassandra_search_trend.png (72.2 KB) - added by jazz 15 years ago.
- 10-07-27_Cassandra_jobs_company.png (116.2 KB) - added by jazz 15 years ago.
- 10-07-29_cassandra_maillist_health.png (48.6 KB) - added by jazz 15 years ago.
- 10-07-29_couchdb_maillist_health.png (49.2 KB) - added by jazz 15 years ago.
- 10-07-29_hbase_maillist_health.png (48.9 KB) - added by jazz 15 years ago.
- 10-07-29_hadoop_maillist_health.png (49.6 KB) - added by jazz 15 years ago.
- 10-07-29_mongodb_maillist_health.png (47.0 KB) - added by jazz 15 years ago.
- 10-11-11_NoSQL_Globals.png (76.0 KB) - added by jazz 14 years ago.
- 10-11-11_NoSQL_KeyValue.png (139.3 KB) - added by jazz 14 years ago.
- 10-11-11_NoSQL_Lists.png (170.5 KB) - added by jazz 14 years ago.
- 10-11-11_NoSQL_Column_based_A.png (201.7 KB) - added by jazz 14 years ago.
- 10-11-11_NoSQL_Column_based_B.png (20.3 KB) - added by jazz 14 years ago.
- 10-11-11_NoSQL_Document-based.png (178.7 KB) - added by jazz 14 years ago.
- 10-11-11_NoSQL_GraphDB-A.png (26.0 KB) - added by jazz 14 years ago.
- 10-11-11_NoSQL_GraphDB-B.png (151.2 KB) - added by jazz 14 years ago.