
Dell iDRAC

如何檢查 iDRAC 版本

  • 使用 ipmitool
    ~$ sudo ipmitool sdr elist mcloc
    BMC              | 00h | ok  |  7.1 | Dynamic MC @ 20h
    ~$ sudo ipmitool sdr elist mcloc
    iDRAC6           | 00h | ok  |  7.1 | Dynamic MC @ 20h

查詢 System Event Log (SEL)

~$ $ sudo ipmitool sel
SEL Information
Version          : 1.5 (v1.5, v2 compliant)
Entries          : 4
Free Space       : 8128 bytes 
Percent Used     : 0%
Last Add Time    : 10/17/2017 09:03:55
Last Del Time    : Not Available
Overflow         : false
Supported Cmds   : 'Reserve' 
~$ sudo ipmitool sel list
   1 | 08/21/2017 | 15:39:46 | OS Boot | Installation started | Asserted
   2 | 08/21/2017 | 15:48:37 | OS Boot | Installation completed | Asserted
   3 | 10/17/2017 | 08:42:09 | OS Boot | Installation started | Asserted
   4 | 10/17/2017 | 09:03:55 | OS Boot | Installation completed | Asserted

清除 System Event Log (SEL)

~$ sudo ipmitool sel clear
Clearing SEL.  Please allow a few seconds to erase.

查詢 iDRAC 網路設定

~$ sudo ipmitool lan print
Set in Progress         : Set Complete
Auth Type Support       : NONE MD2 MD5 PASSWORD 
Auth Type Enable        : Callback : MD2 MD5 
                        : User     : MD2 MD5 
                        : Operator : MD2 MD5 
                        : Admin    : MD2 MD5 
                        : OEM      : 
IP Address Source       : Static Address
IP Address              :
Subnet Mask             :
MAC Address             : 90:b1:1c:2b:db:66
SNMP Community String   : public
IP Header               : TTL=0x40 Flags=0x40 Precedence=0x00 TOS=0x10
BMC ARP Control         : ARP Responses Enabled, Gratuitous ARP Disabled
Default Gateway IP      :
Default Gateway MAC     : 00:00:00:00:00:00
Backup Gateway IP       :
Backup Gateway MAC      : 00:00:00:00:00:00
802.1q VLAN ID          : Disabled
802.1q VLAN Priority    : 0
RMCP+ Cipher Suites     : 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14
Cipher Suite Priv Max   : Xaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
                        :     X=Cipher Suite Unused
                        :     c=CALLBACK
                        :     u=USER
                        :     o=OPERATOR
                        :     a=ADMIN
                        :     O=OEM
Bad Password Threshold  : Not Available


~$ sudo ipmitool chassis status
System Power         : on
Power Overload       : false
Power Interlock      : inactive
Main Power Fault     : false
Power Control Fault  : false
Power Restore Policy : previous
Last Power Event     : 
Chassis Intrusion    : inactive
Front-Panel Lockout  : inactive
Drive Fault          : false
Cooling/Fan Fault    : false
Sleep Button Disable : not allowed
Diag Button Disable  : allowed
Reset Button Disable : not allowed
Power Button Disable : allowed
Sleep Button Disabled: false
Diag Button Disabled : false
Reset Button Disabled: false
Power Button Disabled: false

查詢 Management Controller 相關資訊

~$ sudo ipmitool mc info
Device ID                 : 32
Device Revision           : 0
Firmware Revision         : 2.85
IPMI Version              : 2.0
Manufacturer ID           : 674
Manufacturer Name         : DELL Inc
Product ID                : 256 (0x0100)
Product Name              : Unknown (0x100)
Device Available          : yes
Provides Device SDRs      : yes
Additional Device Support :
    Sensor Device
    SDR Repository Device
    SEL Device
    FRU Inventory Device
    IPMB Event Receiver
    Chassis Device
Aux Firmware Rev Info     : 
~$ sudo ipmitool mc watchdog get
Watchdog Timer Use:     Reserved (0x00)
Watchdog Timer Is:      Stopped
Watchdog Timer Actions: No action (0x00)
Pre-timeout interval:   1 seconds
Timer Expiration Flags: 0x00
Initial Countdown:      15 sec
Present Countdown:      15 sec
~$ sudo ipmitool mc getenables
Receive Message Queue Interrupt          : disabled
Event Message Buffer Full Interrupt      : disabled
Event Message Buffer                     : enabled
System Event Logging                     : enabled
OEM 0                                    : disabled
OEM 1                                    : disabled
OEM 2                                    : disabled
~$ sudo ipmitool mc getsysinfo system_fw_version
~$ sudo ipmitool mc getsysinfo delloem_url

查詢 Sensor Data Repository 狀態

~$ sudo ipmitool sdr help
usage: sdr <command> [options]
               list | elist [option]
                     all           All SDR Records
                     full          Full Sensor Record
                     compact       Compact Sensor Record
                     event         Event-Only Sensor Record
                     mcloc         Management Controller Locator Record
                     fru           FRU Locator Record
                     generic       Generic Device Locator Record

               type [option]
                     <Sensor_Type> Retrieve the state of specified sensor.
                                   Sensor_Type can be specified either as
                                   a string or a hex value.
                     list          Get a list of available sensor types

               get <Sensor_ID>
                     Retrieve state of the first sensor matched by Sensor_ID

                     Display information about the repository itself

               entity <Entity_ID>[.<Instance_ID>]
                     Display all sensors associated with an entity

               dump <file>
                     Dump raw SDR data to a file

               fill <option>
                     sensors       Creates the SDR repository for the current
                     nosat         Creates the SDR repository for the current
                                   configuration, without satellite scan
                     file <file>   Load SDR repository from a file
                     range <range> Load SDR repository from a provided list
                                   or range. Use ',' for list or '-' for
                                   range, eg. 0x28,0x32,0x40-0x44
~$ sudo ipmitool sdr info
SDR Version                         : 0x51
Record Count                        : 121
Free Space                          : 1478 bytes
Most recent Addition                : 02/07/2106 06:28:15
Most recent Erase                   : 02/07/2106 06:28:15
SDR overflow                        : no
SDR Repository Update Support       : modal
Delete SDR supported                : no
Partial Add SDR supported           : no
Reserve SDR repository supported    : yes
SDR Repository Alloc info supported : no
~$ sudo ipmitool sdr elist mcloc
iDRAC6           | 00h | ok  |  7.1 | Dynamic MC @ 20h


~$ sudo ipmitool sensor help
Sensor Commands:  list thresh get reading


  • 可以查詢到主機板序號!!!
~$ sudo ipmitool fru help
FRU Commands:  print read write upgEkey edit internaluse get
~$ sudo ipmitool fru 
FRU Device Description : Builtin FRU Device (ID 0)
 Board Mfg Date        : Sat Dec  8 22:53:00 2012
 Board Mfg             : DELL
 Board Product         : PowerEdge R410                
 Board Serial          : 
 Board Part Number     : 
 Product Manufacturer  : DELL
 Product Version       : 02
 Product Serial        : 

FRU Device Description : PS 1 (ID 2)
 Unknown FRU header version 0x00

FRU Device Description : PS 2 (ID 3)
 Unknown FRU header version 0x00

FRU Device Description : Storage (ID 5)
 Board Mfg Date        : Mon Jan  1 08:00:00 1996
 Board Mfg             : DELL
 Board Product         : FRU256,DELL P/N 
 Board Serial          : 
 Board Part Number     : 

FRU Device Description : Storage (ID 4)
 Device not present (Timeout)


~$ sudo ipmitool gendev help
Rx gendev command: help
SDR Commands:  list read write
                     list                     List All Generic Device Locators
                     read <sdr name> <file>   Read to file eeprom specify by Generic Device Locators
                     write <sdr name> <file>  Write from file eeprom specify by Generic Device Locators


~$ sudo ipmitool user help
User Commands:
               summary      [<channel number>]
               list         [<channel number>]
               set name     <user id> <username>
               set password <user id> [<password> <16|20>]
               disable      <user id>
               enable       <user id>
               priv         <user id> <privilege level> [<channel number>]
                     Privilege levels:
                      * 0x1 - Callback
                      * 0x2 - User
                      * 0x3 - Operator
                      * 0x4 - Administrator
                      * 0x5 - OEM Proprietary
                      * 0xF - No Access

               test         <user id> <16|20> [<password]>


~$ sudo ipmitool channel help
Channel Commands: authcap   <channel number> <max privilege>
                  getaccess <channel number> [user id]
                  setaccess <channel number> <user id> [callin=on|off] [ipmi=on|off] [link=on|off] [privilege=level]
                  info      [channel number]
                  getciphers <ipmi | sol> [channel]

                  setkg hex|plain <key> [channel]

Possible privilege levels are:
   1   Callback level
   2   User level
   3   Operator level
   4   Administrator level
   5   OEM Proprietary level
  15   No access
~$ sudo ipmitool channel info
Channel 0x3 info:
  Channel Medium Type   : System Interface
  Channel Protocol Type : KCS
  Session Support       : session-less
  Active Session Count  : 0
  Protocol Vendor ID    : 7154


~$ sudo ipmitool session help
Session Commands: info <active | all | id 0xnnnnnnnn | handle 0xnn>

Data Center Management Interface (dcmi)

~$ sudo ipmitool dcmi help

Data Center Management Interface commands
    discover               Used to discover supported DCMI capabilities
    power                  Platform power limit command options
    sensors                Prints the available DCMI sensors
    asset_tag              Prints the platform's asset tag
    set_asset_tag          Sets the platform's asset tag
    get_mc_id_string       Get management controller ID string
    set_mc_id_string       Set management controller ID string
    thermalpolicy          Thermal policy get/set
    get_temp_reading       Get Temperature Readings
    get_conf_param         Get DCMI Config Parameters
    set_conf_param         Set DCMI Config Parameters
    oob_discover           Ping/Pong Message for DCMI Discovery

Node Manager (nm)

~$ sudo ipmitool nm help

Node Manager Interface commands
    discover    Discover Node Manager 
    capability    Get Node Manager Capabilities
    control    Enable/Disable Policy Control
    policy    Add/Remove Policies
    statistics    Get Statistics
    power    Set Power Draw Range
    suspend    Set/Get Policy suspend periods
    reset    Reset Statistics
    alert    Set/Get/Clear Alert destination
    threshold    Set/Get Alert Thresholds


~$ sudo ipmitool firewall help
Firmware Firewall Commands:
	info [channel H] [lun L]
	info [channel H] [lun L [netfn N [command C [subfn S]]]]
	enable [channel H] [lun L [netfn N [command C [subfn S]]]]
	disable [channel H] [lun L [netfn N [command C [subfn S]]]] [force])
	reset [channel H]
		where H is a Channel, L is a LUN, N is a NetFn,
		C is a Command and S is a Sub-Function


~$ sudo ipmitool delloem help

usage: delloem <command> [option...]


For help on individual commands type:
delloem <command> help
  • 查詢是否為 shared mode
~$ sudo ipmitool delloem lan

   lan set <Mode>
      sets the NIC Selection Mode :
          on iDRAC12g OR iDRAC13g  :
              dedicated, shared with lom1, shared with lom2,shared with lom3,shared
              with lom4,shared with failover lom1,shared with failover lom2,shared
              with failover lom3,shared with failover lom4,shared with Failover all
              loms, shared with Failover None).
          on other systems :
              dedicated, shared, shared with failover lom2,
              shared with Failover all loms.

   lan get 
          on iDRAC12g or iDRAC13g  :
              returns the current NIC Selection Mode (dedicated, shared with lom1, shared
              with lom2, shared with lom3, shared with lom4,shared with failover lom1,
              shared with failover lom2,shared with failover lom3,shared with failover
              lom4,shared with Failover all loms,shared with Failover None).
          on other systems :
              dedicated, shared, shared with failover,
              lom2, shared with Failover all loms.

   lan get active
      returns the current active NIC (dedicated, LOM1, LOM2, LOM3, LOM4).

~$ sudo ipmitool delloem lan get
~$ sudo ipmitool delloem vFlash info Card
vFlash SD card is unavailable, please insert the card of
size 256MB or greater
Last modified 7 years ago Last modified on Nov 28, 2017, 5:04:17 PM