


  • Installation Checklist:
    For completeness, the following list should be consulted during the installation process 
    to insure that required steps have not been overlooked. Detailed instructions for each 
    step appear following this list. 
    - Download (as .zip file) OpenADR toolkit.
    - Download and Install J2EE SDK and Java SE JRE.
    - Download and Install OracleXE database.
    - Configure OpenADR Database Schema.
    - Download and Install Tomcat 6 Web Application Server.
    - Download and Install 3rd Party Java Libraries to “requiredLibraries” Directory.
    - Download and Install Basic Eclipse IDE program. Build and Execute OpenADR Programs.
  • J2EE SDK and J2SE JRE
  • OracleXE database 11g Release 2
Last modified 12 years ago Last modified on Nov 28, 2012, 8:53:05 PM