- 福特採用Google資料預測演算法,研發節能智慧汽車
Google 搜尋所向無敵的秘訣--人工智慧和機器學習演算法
- http://code.google.com/intl/zh-TW/apis/predict/ - Google Prediction API
Social Network : Facebook
- FBCMD: Command Line for Facebook - 可以用命令列取得 Facebook 資訊的工具,看樣子這樣要作批次處理就變簡單了。
- How Facebook Brings a New Data Center Online - Facebook 最近擴充動作頻繁,這篇文章提到幾個自由軟體:
- FlashCache - 看起來是加速 MySQL 資料庫的工具
Flashcache with MySQL allows us to achieve twice the throughput on each of our new MySQL machine...we need to run two MySQL instances on each machine...
- 另外有個佈署工具叫做 Kobold,不過還找不到 code。
- FlashCache - 看起來是加速 MySQL 資料庫的工具
- 多數 Hadoop 的 Patch 由 Yahoo 提供。
- 下一代的 Hadoop MapReduce 架構 - The Next Generation of Apache Hadoop MapReduce
- "Big Data" technology: getting hotter, but still too hard
- 最近在 LinkedIn 的社群也看到一樣的問題:Hadoop 不好學、對一般企業來說太複雜了!!
- Hadoop Ecosystem: EMC, NetApp, Mellanox, SnapLogic, DataStax
- DataStax? Brisk: Hadoop and Hive on Cassandra (詳 2011-04-01)
- SnapLogic SnapReduce - 這間公司目標想把 Hadoop 變成更簡單,設計了圖形化介面來作 Map / Reduce 工作的規劃。(詳 2011-05-12)
- Mellanox Hadoop-Direct - - mellanox 用硬體去加速 Hadoop 與 Memcached (詳 2011-05-12)
- NetApp Hadoop Shared DAS (2011-05-12 有提到 NetApp 特製的硬體 NetApp e5400 ,是 NetApp 針對 Big Data 應用(Ex. Hadoop)強化 IOPS )
- 看了一下 Shared DAS 主要做幾件事情:
<1> 幫忙做背景的複本工作(用硬體 RAID 減少複本執行時間) reduce the amount of background replication tasks by employing highly efficient RAID <2> 降低 Disk I/O 的反應時間(用硬體方式提高 IOPS) NetApp E-Series Shared DAS enables significantly higher disk I/O bandwidth at lower latency <3> 減少複本個數(用硬體 RAID 減少複本個數,增加硬碟可用空間,或許跟去重複技術也有關) reducing the number of object replicas within a rack Fewer replicas mean less disks to buy or more objects stored within the same infrastructure.
- EMC Greenplum HD
EMC Greenplum provides fault tolerance for the Name Node and Job Tracker, both single points of failure in Hadoop.
- Cascalog - 基於 Clojure 寫的一個 Hadoop 查詢語言,可以方便分析師用類似 SQL 語法 / Datalog 語法做分析
Last modified 13 years ago
Last modified on May 18, 2011, 12:48:26 AM
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- 11-05-17_nchc_traffic.png (48.8 KB) - added by jazz 13 years ago.
- 11-05-17_nchc_search_top10.png (348.9 KB) - added by jazz 13 years ago.
- 11-05-17_hadoop.tw_search.png (339.5 KB) - added by jazz 13 years ago.
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