Virtualization : KVM
- Vhost.net - 針對 I/O-intensive KVM virtualization 高讀寫的虛擬化需求而設計 參考來源(2010-05-17)
According to the Linux-kvm.org page, Vhost.net is a kernel-level backend for virtio, the main platform for I/O virtualization in KVM. Vhost.net reduces virtualization overhead for virtio by removing up to four system calls per packet on data path, without guest changes, says the Vhost.net project. The intended result: faster performance for I/O-intensive KVM virtualization sessions.
Cloud Computing
Virtualization and Embedded
- 今天討論一些進階課程規劃,有談到若是能把「雲」跟「端」的連結講得更清楚,並且給一些範例應該是不錯的教材。因此回來簡單整理了一下先前看過的幾篇文章:
- 2009-01-25 : Embedded systems virtualization: Consider a Hypervisor
- 2010-03-22 : 10 questions to ask when choosing a virtualization solution - 給了一些建議,並說明嵌入式系統使用虛擬化的優點
- 2009-06-04 : Hypervisor spins virtual Android
- 2010-02-02 : Virtual desktops coming to smartphones - 用手機當桌機,這是有點太操啦 :P
- 2010-03-25 : Android virtualization platform taps security-enhanced hypervisor
- 2010-05-25 : Virtualization makes its way into a handset
- [註] 看樣子 Open Kernel Labs 在這一塊做得不錯呢!!
Last modified 15 years ago
Last modified on Jul 20, 2010, 11:55:53 AM
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