Version 8 (modified by jazz, 14 years ago) (diff) |
Profiling / Profiler
- Java
- Eclipse Test & Performance Tools Platform Project (TPTP) - Eclipse 的 Profiling 工具
- An introduction to profiling Java applications
- Overview of the Profiling Tool - Eclipse 說明文件有蠻詳細的 Monitoring and profiling applications 觀念與操作步驟介紹
- Netbean Java Profiler - CPU, memory and threads profiling - 搭配 Netbean
- JProfiler - 維基百科 - 搭配 Eclipse
- jmp
- Debian 套件 tijmp - Profiler for Java to trace object and method timings
- Debian 套件 jmp
- Runtime Profiler
- - 看起來不錯,不過大約 2006 之後就比較少更新了。
- Monitoring - JMX
- JMeasurement - 支援 JMX 的 Profiler
- xdprof - a cross-platform tool that captures and analyzes stack traces sent at a fixed interval from Java Virtual Machines in a distributed system - 因為是針對分散式系統的 profiler,所以有可能可以用在 Hadoop 效能分析上
- Eclipse Test & Performance Tools Platform Project (TPTP) - Eclipse 的 Profiling 工具
- C - check slides of "Advanced C Programming - Pro?ling"
- gprof - 屬於 GNU binutils 的一部分 - Debian 套件 - binutils
- gcov
- valgrind - Debian 套件 - valgrind - (2010-03-04)
- 檢查程式記憶體的小工具-valgrind
- Detecting C/C++ memory leaks with valgrind
- 在 slides of "Advanced C Programming - Pro?ling" 投影片介紹中,有三個主要工具 memcheck、cachegrind、callgrind
- cachegrind - 模擬 L1/L2 Cache, 找出 cache misses
- Debian 套件 kcachegrind - visualisation tool for valgrind profiling output
- Debian 套件 kcachegrind-converters - format converters for KCachegrind profiling visualisation tool
- callgrind - 紀錄函數呼叫圖(call graph)
- cachegrind - 模擬 L1/L2 Cache, 找出 cache misses
- oprofile - a system-wide profiler for Linux systems, capable of profiling all running code at low overhead.
- 有 Debian 套件 - oprofile
~# opcontrol --init # to load module and daemon ~# opcontrol -s # to start sampling ~# opcontrol -t # to stop sampling ~# opcontrol --dump # ?ushes the event log ~# opcontrol --list-events # shows available performance counters ~# opreport -l prog-name # gives breakdown of samples per function in prog-name
- 有 Debian 套件 - oprofile
- Perl
- Devel::Profile - Debian 套件 - libdevel-profile-perl - a Perl code profiler
- PHP - references for armorize
- Python
- Debian 套件 python-profiler - deterministic profiling of any Python programs
- Ruby
- Debian 套件 ruby-prof - A fast code profiler for Ruby
- C# / Mono
- mono-profiler - Mono profiler - 有 Debian 套件 mono-profiler
Microcontroller (MCU, PIC)
- 先前來演講的 Xavi 談到要徵人幫忙把
- SDCC - Small Device C Compiler - Debian 套件 sdcc
- Piklab - IDE for PIC microcontrollers - an integrated development environment (IDE) for applications based on Microchip PIC and dsPIC microcontrollers similar to the MPLAB environment. - 類似 Microchip 官方 MPLAB 的整合開發環境 - 有 piklab 的 Debian 套件
- gpsim - Simulator for Microchip's PIC microcontrollers - Debian 套件 gpsim
- gputils - Debian 套件 gputils - utilities for the Microchip PIC microcontrollers family contain an assembler (compatible with MPASM), a disassembler, and other tools.
- FreeRTOS - a portable, open source, royalty free, mini Real Time Kernel - 先前就有紀錄過用單晶片上執行 linux 系統,這個專案也是可以執行在很多家的單晶片上。
Attachments (1)
- Advanced_C_Programming_Profiling.pdf (206.1 KB) - added by jazz 14 years ago.
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