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Changes between Version 8 and Version 9 of jazz/10-06-07

Jun 9, 2010, 8:50:19 PM (14 years ago)



  • jazz/10-06-07

    v8 v9  
    99   * [ Netbean Java Profiler] - CPU, memory and threads profiling - 搭配 Netbean
    1010   * [ JProfiler] - [ 維基百科] - 搭配 Eclipse
    11    * [ jmp]
    12      * [ Debian 套件 tijmp] - Profiler for Java to trace object and method timings
    13      * [ Debian 套件 jmp]
     11   * [ jmp]
     12     * [ Debian 套件 jmp] - Profiler for Java to trace object and method timings (舊的)
     13     * [ tijmp] - [ Debian 套件 tijmp] - Profiler for Java to trace object and method timings (比較新)
    1414   * Runtime Profiler
    1515     * - 看起來不錯,不過大約 2006 之後就比較少更新了。
    1818   * [ xdprof] - a cross-platform tool that captures and analyzes stack traces sent at a fixed interval from Java Virtual Machines in a distributed system - 因為是針對分散式系統的 profiler,所以有可能可以用在 Hadoop 效能分析上
    20  * C - check [raw-attachment:wiki:jazz/10-06-07:Advanced_C_Programming_Pro?ling.pdf slides of "Advanced C Programming - Pro?ling"]
     20 * C - check [raw-attachment:wiki:jazz/10-06-07:Advanced_C_Programming_Profiling.pdf slides of "Advanced C Programming - Profiling"]
    2121   * [ gprof] - 屬於 GNU binutils 的一部分 - [ Debian 套件 - binutils]
    2222     * [ gprof 看performance分析…]
    23    * gcov
     23     * [ kprof] - a KDE3 visual tool to help analyze profiling results - [ Debian 套件 kprof]
     24   * gcov - 統計 code coverage 的工具,可以在 gcc 編譯時加參數來達成。
    2428   * [ valgrind] - [ Debian 套件 - valgrind] - ([wiki:jazz/10-03-04 2010-03-04])
    2529     * [ 檢查程式記憶體的小工具-valgrind]
    2630     * [ Detecting C/C++ memory leaks with valgrind]
    27      * 在 [raw-attachment:wiki:jazz/10-06-07:Advanced_C_Programming_Pro?ling.pdf slides of "Advanced C Programming - Pro?ling"] 投影片介紹中,有三個主要工具 memcheck、cachegrind、callgrind
     31     * 在 [raw-attachment:wiki:jazz/10-06-07:Advanced_C_Programming_Profiling.pdf slides of "Advanced C Programming - Profiling"] 投影片介紹中,有三個主要工具 memcheck、cachegrind、callgrind
    2832      * cachegrind - 模擬 L1/L2 Cache, 找出 cache misses
    29         * [ Debian 套件 kcachegrind] - visualisation tool for valgrind profiling output
     33        * [ Debian 套件 kcachegrind] - visualisation tool for valgrind profiling output - 可以用視覺化圖形介面顯示 cachegrind 的輸出
    3034        * [ Debian 套件 kcachegrind-converters] - format converters for KCachegrind profiling visualisation tool
    3135      * callgrind - 紀錄函數呼叫圖(call graph)
    4145~# opreport  -l  prog-name  # gives breakdown of samples per function in prog-name
     47     * [ Debian 套件 oprofile-gui] - system-wide profiler for Linux systems (GUI components)
     48   * [ qprof] - Profiling utilities for Linux
    4450 * Perl
    4551   * [ Devel::Profile] - [ Debian 套件 - libdevel-profile-perl] - a Perl code profiler
     52   * [ Devel::Cover] - Code coverage metrics for Perl - [ Debian 套件 libdevel-cover-perl]
    4754 * PHP - references for armorize
    4855   * [ PHP Performance Profiling]
    4956   * [ php-profiler]
     58 * MPI
     59   * [ Debian 套件 tau] - Tuning and Analysis Utilities - base profiling toolkit
     60     * TAU is a profiling toolkit specially made for parallel computing (multi-thread, multi-process, MPI, PVM). - 針對平行程式的 Profiler 不過套件裡面包的只有 pthread 的支援,因此無法做 MPI, PVM 分析。
     61     * [ Debian 套件 tau-examples] - Tuning and Analysis Utilities - examples - 一些 TAU 的範例
     62     * [ Debian 套件 python-tau] - Tuning and Analysis Utilities - support for python bindings
    5164 * Python