Version 2 (modified by jazz, 15 years ago) (diff) |
Cloud Computing
- Information Leakage in Cloud Computing
- 論文: Hey, You, Get Off of My Cloud: Exploring Information Leakage in Third-Party Compute Clouds
- 這個論文標題真的很有趣,「滾出我的雲端」,哈哈哈哈~
- 相關報導:Researchers find a new way to attack the cloud - 雲端運算的資訊安全問題再度浮現
- 施振榮:鴻海攻NB 只是新兵
「現在世界不談大,大沒有用。」 施振榮認為,PC已經轉型,從過去PC時代,邁向XC,也就是任何可以運算的載具, X代表無線衍生的不同形式,比如小筆電、電子書,都是XC的產品。 雲端計算(Cloud Computing)將會帶動XC,發展方向分軟體服務與硬體兩大塊, 台灣PC供應鏈完整,專注於硬體製造,更具競爭優勢,不一定需跨足軟體,「現在是分工時代」。 施振榮評估,雲端計算運用將會引爆,市場正在等待關鍵應用(Killer Apperation)啟動, 包括電子書、小筆電等都是載具,軟體應用才是重點。
- Telecom operators get the scoop on Hadoop - 繼 VISA 信用卡業者開始使用 Hadoop,電信業者也跟進了!! (Cloudera CEO 的發言)
- Hadoop on Windows with Eclipse - 一份蠻不錯的入門文件,如果要在 Windows 上安裝 Hadoop 跟用 Eclipse 開發 Hadoop 的話。
- Microsoft's new search - Built on open-source - 話說微軟新的搜尋引擎 Bing 也基於 Hadoop !!
- Google mocks Bing and the stuff behind it
Actually, Microsoft uses Hadoop. But that's only because it recently purchased the semantic search startup Powerset.
- Hadoop: When grownups do open source
File System : Google File System
- 2009-09-14: Google File System II stalked by open-source elephant - 談 GFS2 對 Hadoop 的影響
- 2009-08-12: Google File System II: Dawn of the Multiplying Master Nodes - 嗯!! Google File System II 現在會用在 Google 新的咖啡因(Caffeine)搜尋引擎上,其重點是有多個 Master Node,這也意味著未來 Hadoop 的 Namenode 也會變成多個。
- GFS: Evolution on Fast-forward - 談 Google File System 的演化
- Google Caffeine: What it really is - 談 Google 新的咖啡因(Caffeine)搜尋引擎
- RestQ is MorbidQ's unique solution for the problem of message queue integration with other systems, web frameworks in particular.
- How many users are connected? - 用 RestQ 是其中一種做法
Green Computing
Attachments (4)
- cloud-computing-survey-results-2009.pdf (932.9 KB) - added by jazz 15 years ago.
- cloud-computing-survey-slides-2009.pdf (241.8 KB) - added by jazz 15 years ago.
- FairScheduler_MateiZaharia_Cloudera.pdf (1.7 MB) - added by jazz 15 years ago.
- cloud_technology.png (125.0 KB) - added by jazz 15 years ago.