

Web Service

File System

Clonezilla / DRBL

Cloud Computing

Linux Kernel

  • Kernel Boot - 解釋 Linux 核心開機的一些訊息代表的意義


Ubiquitous Computing

  • Green Wheel - Smart Mobility and Ubiquitous Computing
    • 這個影片展現了很多關於無線感知網路跟 Ubiquitous Computing 的整合,特別是設計了一些情境。當然有些情境會涉及商業模式的建立,但也許是自行車風行之後,可能衍生的微經濟模式。


  • Resume Writing 101
    1. Target the position that you are applying for.
    2. Pay close attention to your content.
    3. Tailor each resume to the job requirements.
    4. Articulate your most recent experience.
    5. Keep it simple.
    6. Keep salary in mind.
    7. Show Progression.
    8. Avoid useless information.
    9. leave pictures of yourself off your resume.
    10. Explain transitions between jobs.
Last modified 16 years ago Last modified on Jun 23, 2009, 12:46:01 PM