Changes between Version 16 and Version 17 of jazz/09-04-06

May 9, 2011, 1:52:05 PM (13 years ago)



  • jazz/09-04-06

    v16 v17  
    11= 2009-04-06 =
    3  * 演講準備 - 蒐集 HPC, Cloud Computing, Map/Reduce 與生物資訊相關運用參考資料
     3 * 演講準備 - 蒐集 HPC, Cloud Computing, MapReduce 與生物資訊相關運用參考資料
    55 * [ Octave as Cloud Service] -  Octave 是一套類似 Matlab 的自由軟體,其實這個專案的 idea 挺不錯的,教學上如果多採用 Octave 的話,就不會造成學校或實驗室在 Matlab 授權/非法侵權的問題。當然我覺得如果熟悉網頁設計跟 VNC 這個服務應該不難做出來才對。
    2525 * [ Bio-SPICE] - Biological Simulation Program for Intra- and Inter-Cellular Evaluation
    2626   * 在電子電機領域,SPICE 是非常重要的一套模擬軟體。Bio-SPICE 應該是一套希望在生物方面佔有一席之地的模擬軟體。
    27  * [ BioEra] is DSP visual designer that can be used to create interfaces between human being and a machine with using bio signals like EEG, QEEG, HEG, EMG, ECG, GSR, EOG, visual/sound entrainment and others. - BioEra 跟腦科學應該有蠻強的關聯性,主要功能是在做訊號處理。
     27 * [ BioEra] is DSP visual designer that can be used to create interfaces between human being and a machine with using bio signals like EEG, QEEG, HEG, EMG, ECG, GSR, EOG, visual/sound entrainment and others. - !BioEra 跟腦科學應該有蠻強的關聯性,主要功能是在做訊號處理。
    2828 * [ NCBI Viewer] - [ 新的官方網站] - NCBI
    2929 * 從 [ Bioinformatics Organization] 又找到好幾個生物資訊的自由軟體專案
    4040   * [ Introduction to Amazon Elastic MapReduce]
    4141   * [ Finding Similar Items with Amazon Elastic MapReduce, Python, and Hadoop Streaming] - 用 Hadoop 做相似度分析,可應用在生物資訊領域。
    42    * [ Hadoop Map/Reduce 教程]
    43    * [ Improving MapReduce Performance in Heterogeneous Environments] - Map/Reduce 在異質環境下的效能改良研究
    44    * [ MapReduce: Simplified Data Processing on Large Clusters] - Google 的 Map/Reduce 論文
     42   * [ Hadoop MapReduce 教程]
     43   * [ Improving MapReduce Performance in Heterogeneous Environments] - MapReduce 在異質環境下的效能改良研究
     44   * [ MapReduce: Simplified Data Processing on Large Clusters] - Google 的 MapReduce 論文
    4545 * [ Hadoop Wiki 上關於 Amazon EC2 的使用說明]
    6161   * [ MRPGA: An Extension of MapReduce for Parallelizing Genetic Algorithms]
    6262   * [ MapReduce for Data Intensive Scientific Analyses]
    63    * [  MRGIS: A MapReduce-Enabled High Performance Workflow System for GIS] - 拿 Map/Reduce 來處理 GIS 的 Workflow
     63   * [  MRGIS: A MapReduce-Enabled High Performance Workflow System for GIS] - 拿 MapReduce 來處理 GIS 的 Workflow
    6464 * 跟虛擬化有關的
    6565   * [ Contextualization: Providing One-Click Virtual Clusters]