- The Qualities of a Software Architect - 軟體架構師的特質
Linux Kernel
- Linux Unified Kernel(Longene) - 讓 Windows 程序運行於 Linux 的相容核心計畫
- NETLINK - 與 Linux Kernel 溝通的另一種方法
Linux Power Management
Linux Programming
- libevent - an event notification library
File System / partclone
- Ext4 to be standard for Fedora 11, Btrfs also included
- 先前 steven 提過的 Btrfs 被收錄進 Fedora 11
- Project Independence - Local Virtual Desktops
- Release: Phoenix Technologies HyperCore 1.0 - BIOS 大廠 Phoenix 釋出基於 Xen 的 HyperCore? 軟體。
- Virtualization Manager Mobile (VMM) - 在 iPhone 上管理虛擬機器
- Green IT in 2009: Now's the Time for Desktop Virtualization Technologies
Cloud Computing
- 09-01-22: Google Web Drive線上儲存傳聞不斷
- Recession Survival Kit: Adopt Cloud Computing
- 09-01-22: Real-World Use Cases: Cloud Storage Workloads
- 09-01-20: President Barack Obama. A New Day for Cloud Computing !!
- 09-01-22: Yahoo加強掃蕩垃圾郵件
Web Service
- JavaScript Behavior Sheets: an experiment
- CSS Selector Shell
- 在 Google App Engine 上架設的 CSS 展示
- AJAX APIs Playground
Embedded Trend: Mobile
- Open source survey: Mobile most lucrative - Mobile 最有利可圖
Last modified 16 years ago
Last modified on Aug 13, 2009, 5:29:23 PM