- 10:00~12:00 NII 演講
- USD 1400 million per year
- Top Priority Project
- Science GRD
- Education Program for Top Software Engineers
- Bio Portal
- Information sharing system: NetCommons
- CSI: Cyber Science Infrastructure
- Intre-University PKI (UPKI)
- USA: Shared Cyber0Infrastructure (SCI)
- Europe: e-Infrastructure (EGEE)
- 組成架構:
- SINET3 (High Speed Network)
- 整合 700 個大學, 40Gbps 頻寬, VPN, QoS 支援.
- Multiple Layer Services: 把 L3, L2, L1 整合在一起
- Multiple VPN Services: L3VPN(IP), L2VPN(Switch)(Ex.VPLS), L1VPN(Deficated)
- Bandwith-on-demand(BoD) Services
- Middleware (強調 Grid, PKI 認證)
- NAREGI(National Research Grid Initiative)
- 因為歷史的緣故,所以必須與 ITBL (舊的 Grid 計畫)進行合作
- Scenario for Multi-sites MPI Jobs Execution
- 人力資源發展
- SINET3 (High Speed Network)
- 12:30 [個人] 冠智紅包 [done]
- 09:00-12:00 研發企劃寫作力(概念-實務) @ 階梯教室
- [觀點] 虛擬化技術的動態電源管理是否可以降低『平均硬體故障時間』?答案是『否』?!
- hardware mean time between failure (MTBF).
- 08-12-01: Kerrighed Live-CD available ! - 越來越封閉的 Kerrighed 團隊 :(
An up-to-date Kerrighed Live-CD is available. It is based on Kerrighed 2.3.0 and will allow you to quickly test this system. Just insert and play ! Don’t hesitate to contact us for more informations: contact_AT_kerlabs_DOT_com The Kerlabs team.
- Xen Summit Asia 2008 - 錄影跟投影片
- VMGL: OpenGL Hardware 3D Acceleration for Virtual Machines
- e-Science 2008
Web Service
- 為何網頁成為『預設』開發平台??
Lazy Text means that web pages are: * hackable. Which means advanced users can scrape, mash and plot, and normal users can embed YouTube videos in their blogs. * debuggable. When makes them easier to fix, even outside of the development environment. * learnable. Which means HTML can be taught in most schools. * Postel’s Law compliant. Which means they work. Postel’s Law makes browsers harder to write, can makes pages a mess and is a disaster for security, but there are no exceptions to Postel’s Law
- Moonlight - Silverlight for Linux
- Wine 與 Crossover Linux Pro - Wine 是免費版, Crossover Linux Pro 是商業版!!
- Go-OO : 號稱比 Open Office 更好用、更快、更自由的 Office 軟體,還預設可以跟 M$ Office 互通呢~
File System
Transactional Memory
- Parallel Programming with Transactional Memory
- Software Transactional Memory: why is it only a research toy?
Embedded and Opern Source Hardware
- 10 tips for writing more maintainable embedded software code
- Open source hardware 2008 - The definitive guide to open source hardware projects in 2008
- Mapping open source into mobile: who, where and how
- High-Level Device-Driver Programming
- 季節轉換 兩招遠離過敏鼻
中醫認為過敏是「氣虛」、「偏寒」的體質引起。 中醫在過敏急性發作、治療的開端時,會先以辛夷散、小青龍湯等帖劑來調節; 病情穩定後,則以補中益氣湯補足氣虛的體質。 但他提醒,最好能諮詢醫師後使用,避免自行購買。 但楊賢鴻提醒,用藥調整體質只是一部份,飲食上,要特別注意避免寒性食物,否則仍是功虧一簣。 他提醒,除了要盡量避免冰的東西和茶葉等食物外, 像白菜、筍子、香菇、橘子、柳丁、葡萄、西瓜、芒果、柚子等寒性蔬果,也要少吃。 如果真要食用這些寒性蔬果,楊賢鴻則提醒避開清早起床的時間。
Ruby on Rails
- 在 Linux 上怎麼安裝 RoR? - Ubuntu, Debian
- Ruby on Rails guides
- Apache + Mongrel + Rails
Last modified 16 years ago
Last modified on Dec 22, 2008, 9:05:56 PM