
Version 19 (modified by jazz, 16 years ago) (diff)



  • 09:00~10:00 東南亞研習會 CEPERC 2008 : Cloud Computing – Dr. Phil Papadopolous, UCSD (VTC) @ 中群 3D Theater, 北群 318
    • Scalable Web Service
    • Software Service Cloud
    • 從整體趨勢來觀察雲端運算
      • 如果 Cloud Computing 的軟體都是全新的方式,那註定會失敗!
      • IaaS Cloud 把所有科學家變成系統管理員!
      • Rocks 已發展超過七年.
      • Modern "Cluster" Architecture -
        • Physical Computing Nodes
        • Physical Storage Nodes
        • Web Service Nodes
        • Authentication Nodes, Single Sign-On Nodes
    • Rocks 的優勢:
      • (1) 已經有很多科學家使用 <- 因為已經針對科學需求去做客製化 => DRBL 與 Rock 最大的區隔!!
      • (2)
    • Campus Cloud: Cluster Extension
    • Q: Is there any plan for providing interoperation between Amazon EC2 and Rock Xen Roll Cluster?
    • Q: With the growth of Virtual Machines, how to deal with the need of IP address? Any plan for applying IPv6?
    • Q: About Campus Cloud, is it PXE booting from remote or from local network?
    • Q: If Amazon and Google can provide computing and storage resources needed by scientists, do you think it is a threat to TeraGrid and other super computing center?
  • 10:00~10:30 2008年子項計畫年終成果報告 - 格網互動技術 @ 北群主管會議室
  • 10:30~10:40 休 息
  • 10:40~11:10 2008年子項計畫年終成果報告 - 格網計算平台 @ 北群主管會議室
  • 12:00 出發前往中群
  • 14:00~15:20 東南亞研習會 CEPERC 2008 : Hands-on for Cluster Management: DRBL/Chronzilla – Steven Shiau et al @ Classroom A
  • Middleware 2008

DRBL / ClassCloud Promotion Strategy

  • 中文書籍 for Taiwan and Mainland China

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