
Version 1 (modified by jazz, 6 years ago) (diff)


Mac 設定


#install xcode command tool
xcode-select --install
# check
xcode-select -p
# install home-brew
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
# check brew
brew doctor
brew update
# install develop environment
brew install ansible
brew install gradle
brew cask install java
brew cask install intellij-idea-ce ## community edition
# install JSON toolkits
brew install jq
brew install npm
npm install json2csv -g
# install azure-cli
npm install azure-cli -g


# install firefox
brew cask install firefox-zh-tw
# 編輯器
brew cask install sublime-text
# Markdown 筆記用:
brew cask install macdown
# Markdown 寫文件用:
brew cask install gitbook-editor
brew cask install pandoc
# 群組溝通用:slack
brew cask install slack 
# 資料分析用
brew cask install tableau-public ## 拿來分析一些 CSV 用
# MS Office 日常文書用
brew cask install microsoft-office


  • Mac 無線網路設定


  • Android 手機無線網路設定



  • 首先,認識一下選單上的鍵盤符號對應:



  • 一開始覺得很奇怪,為何用 screen 有顏色,不用就沒有顏色。
  • 原因是預設的 TERM 不支援,需改為 xterm-256color 才行。
  • [[File:mac_terminal_xterm.png|600px]]
  • 修改後,查詢 $TERM 環境變數應該會看到:
    ~$ echo $TERM


  • 若要使用命令列建立與管理 Azure 資源,您必須具備以下條件:

有 Azure 帳戶 (免費試用版) - 註冊 Azure - 安裝 Azure CLI - 登入使用您帳戶的相關 Azure 資源 -

Azure CLI 安裝

Mac OS X

brew install npm
npm install azure-cli -g
  • 雖然 homebrew 裡也有 azure-cli,但版本比較舊,建議用 npm 的版本。
    ~$ brew info azure-cli
    azure-cli: stable 0.10.6 (bottled), HEAD


docker run -it microsoft/azure-cli


  • 在 Docker 主機中,有 可以讓 Azure CLI 提供指令的建議。若有需要,請在 Mac OS 的家目錄建立 .bashrc 與 .bash_profile 檔案,並 source 路徑/
  • 如果懶得從 docker image 裡面取得 可至以下 gist 路徑取得:

  • 以下是我的設定,供參考:


# ~/.profile: executed by the command interpreter for login shells.
# This file is not read by bash(1), if ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bash_login
# exists.
# see /usr/share/doc/bash/examples/startup-files for examples.
# the files are located in the bash-doc package.

# the default umask is set in /etc/profile; for setting the umask
# for ssh logins, install and configure the libpam-umask package.
#umask 022

# if running bash
if [ -n "$BASH_VERSION" ]; then
    # include .bashrc if it exists
    if [ -f "$HOME/.bashrc" ]; then
	. "$HOME/.bashrc"

# set PATH so it includes user's private bin if it exists
if [ -d "$HOME/bin" ] ; then


## for Intellij IDEA
export JAVA_HOME="$(/usr/libexec/java_home)"
## for terminal 
export CLICOLOR=1
export LSCOLORS="Gxfxcxdxbxegedabagacad"
alias ls='ls -GFh'
source /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d/git-completion.bash
source /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d/
source /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d/docker
source /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d/brew
source /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d/brew-cask
source /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d/gradle

Azure 術語與觀念

{| class="wikitable sortable"

! 縮寫 !! 全文 !! 說明

| ASM | ARM |
Azure Resource Manager Azure 資源管理員
Resource Group


Azure CLI 操作與管理

  • 安裝好 Azure CLI 之後,您就能從命令列使用者介面 (Bash、終端機及命令提示字元等) 中執行 azure 命令。例如,若要執行 [說明] 命令,請輸入下列命令:
azure help
  • 若要查看您所安裝的 Azure CLI 版本,請輸入下列命令:
azure --version

azure login

~# azure --version
0.9.19 (node: 4.2.4)
root@azure:~# azure login
info:    Executing command login
-info:    To sign in, use a web browser to open the page Enter the code G*K*N*D*L to authenticate.
/info:    Added subscription Free Trial
info:    Setting subscription "Free Trial" as default
info:    login command OK

azure account

  • 檢查 account 狀態
~# azure account list
info:    Executing command account list
data:    Name        Id                                    Current  State  
data:    ----------  ------------------------------------  -------  -------
data:    Free Trial  ####################################  true     Enabled
info:    account list command OK

azure config

  • 由於預設是 ASM 模式,可以透過 azure config mode arm 改成 ARM 模式。
    azure config mode arm

azure location

  • 查詢目前 Azure 的機房位置
    ~$ azure location list
    info:    Executing command location list
    warn:    The "location list" commands is changed to list subscription's locations. For old information, use "provider list or show" commands.
    info:    Getting locations...
    data:    Name                Display Name         Latitude  Longitude
    data:    ------------------  -------------------  --------  ---------
    data:    eastasia            East Asia            22.267    114.188  
    data:    southeastasia       Southeast Asia       1.283     103.833  
    data:    centralus           Central US           41.5908   -93.6208 
    data:    eastus              East US              37.3719   -79.8164 
    data:    eastus2             East US 2            36.6681   -78.3889 
    data:    westus              West US              37.783    -122.417 
    data:    northcentralus      North Central US     41.8819   -87.6278 
    data:    southcentralus      South Central US     29.4167   -98.5    
    data:    northeurope         North Europe         53.3478   -6.2597  
    data:    westeurope          West Europe          52.3667   4.9      
    data:    japanwest           Japan West           34.6939   135.5022 
    data:    japaneast           Japan East           35.68     139.77   
    data:    brazilsouth         Brazil South         -23.55    -46.633  
    data:    australiaeast       Australia East       -33.86    151.2094 
    data:    australiasoutheast  Australia Southeast  -37.8136  144.9631 
    data:    southindia          South India          12.9822   80.1636  
    data:    centralindia        Central India        18.5822   73.9197  
    data:    westindia           West India           19.088    72.868   
    data:    canadacentral       Canada Central       43.653    -79.383  
    data:    canadaeast          Canada East          46.817    -71.217  
    info:    location list command OK

azure vm

azure vm list

  • 檢查 vm 狀態
~$ azure vm list
info:    Executing command vm list
+ Getting virtual machines                                                     
data:    ResourceGroupName    Name                    ProvisioningState  PowerState      Location       Size          
data:    -------------------  ----------------------  -----------------  --------------  -------------  --------------
info:    vm list command OK

azure vm image list

  • 查詢作業系統範本 Image
    ~$ azure vm image list
    info:    Executing command vm image list
    Location: southeastasia
    Publisher: OpenLogic       
    + Getting virtual machine image offers (Publisher: "OpenLogic" Location:"southeastasia")
    data:    Publisher  Offer       Sku  OS     Version       Location       Urn                                  
    data:    ---------  ----------  ---  -----  ------------  -------------  -------------------------------------
    data:    OpenLogic  CentOS      6.5  Linux  6.5.201501    southeastasia  OpenLogic:CentOS:6.5:6.5.201501      
    data:    OpenLogic  CentOS      6.5  Linux  6.5.201503    southeastasia  OpenLogic:CentOS:6.5:6.5.201503      
    data:    OpenLogic  CentOS      6.5  Linux  6.5.201506    southeastasia  OpenLogic:CentOS:6.5:6.5.201506      
    data:    OpenLogic  CentOS      6.5  Linux  6.5.20150904  southeastasia  OpenLogic:CentOS:6.5:6.5.20150904    
    data:    OpenLogic  CentOS      6.5  Linux  6.5.20160309  southeastasia  OpenLogic:CentOS:6.5:6.5.20160309    
    data:    OpenLogic  CentOS      6.6  Linux  6.6.201501    southeastasia  OpenLogic:CentOS:6.6:6.6.201501      
    data:    OpenLogic  CentOS      6.6  Linux  6.6.201503    southeastasia  OpenLogic:CentOS:6.6:6.6.201503      
    data:    OpenLogic  CentOS      6.6  Linux  6.6.201506    southeastasia  OpenLogic:CentOS:6.6:6.6.201506      
    data:    OpenLogic  CentOS      6.6  Linux  6.6.20150706  southeastasia  OpenLogic:CentOS:6.6:6.6.20150706    
    data:    OpenLogic  CentOS      6.6  Linux  6.6.20150731  southeastasia  OpenLogic:CentOS:6.6:6.6.20150731    
    data:    OpenLogic  CentOS      6.6  Linux  6.6.20160309  southeastasia  OpenLogic:CentOS:6.6:6.6.20160309    
    data:    OpenLogic  CentOS      6.7  Linux  6.7.20150815  southeastasia  OpenLogic:CentOS:6.7:6.7.20150815    
    data:    OpenLogic  CentOS      6.7  Linux  6.7.20160303  southeastasia  OpenLogic:CentOS:6.7:6.7.20160303    
    data:    OpenLogic  CentOS      6.7  Linux  6.7.20160310  southeastasia  OpenLogic:CentOS:6.7:6.7.20160310    
    data:    OpenLogic  CentOS      6.8  Linux  6.8.20160620  southeastasia  OpenLogic:CentOS:6.8:6.8.20160620    
    data:    OpenLogic  CentOS      7.0  Linux  7.0.20150128  southeastasia  OpenLogic:CentOS:7.0:7.0.20150128    
    data:    OpenLogic  CentOS      7.0  Linux  7.0.20150325  southeastasia  OpenLogic:CentOS:7.0:7.0.20150325    
    data:    OpenLogic  CentOS      7.0  Linux  7.0.20150605  southeastasia  OpenLogic:CentOS:7.0:7.0.20150605    
    data:    OpenLogic  CentOS      7.0  Linux  7.0.20150904  southeastasia  OpenLogic:CentOS:7.0:7.0.20150904    
    data:    OpenLogic  CentOS      7.0  Linux  7.0.20160309  southeastasia  OpenLogic:CentOS:7.0:7.0.20160309    
    data:    OpenLogic  CentOS      7.1  Linux  7.1.20150410  southeastasia  OpenLogic:CentOS:7.1:7.1.20150410    
    data:    OpenLogic  CentOS      7.1  Linux  7.1.20150605  southeastasia  OpenLogic:CentOS:7.1:7.1.20150605    
    data:    OpenLogic  CentOS      7.1  Linux  7.1.20150731  southeastasia  OpenLogic:CentOS:7.1:7.1.20150731    
    data:    OpenLogic  CentOS      7.1  Linux  7.1.20160308  southeastasia  OpenLogic:CentOS:7.1:7.1.20160308    
    data:    OpenLogic  CentOS      7.2  Linux  7.2.20160303  southeastasia  OpenLogic:CentOS:7.2:7.2.20160303    
    data:    OpenLogic  CentOS      7.2  Linux  7.2.20160308  southeastasia  OpenLogic:CentOS:7.2:7.2.20160308    
    data:    OpenLogic  CentOS      7.2  Linux  7.2.20160620  southeastasia  OpenLogic:CentOS:7.2:7.2.20160620    
    data:    OpenLogic  CentOS-HPC  6.5  Linux  6.5.20160408  southeastasia  OpenLogic:CentOS-HPC:6.5:6.5.20160408
    data:    OpenLogic  CentOS-HPC  7.1  Linux  7.1.20160408  southeastasia  OpenLogic:CentOS-HPC:7.1:7.1.20160408
    info:    vm image list command OK

azure vm sizes

  • 查詢 VM 大小種類


~$ azure vm sizes --location southeastasia

azure vm quick-create

  • 快速建立新的 VM
    Usage: vm quick-create [options] <resource-group> <name> <location> <os-type> <image-urn> <admin-username> <admin-password>

{| class="wikitable"

! 變數 !! 可用選項

| location | os-type | image-urn
詳見 azure location list
詳見 azure vm image list


  • 範例:
    ~$ azure vm quick-create cassandra cassandra12v2 southeastasia Linux OpenLogic:CentOS:7.2:latest jazz TenM@x1234

azure vm create

  • 手動建立 VM
    Usage: vm create [options] <resource-group> <name> <location> <os-type>
  • 範例:使用現成 OS 碟,附掛到新的 VM
    -f, --nic-name <nic-name> ## 可使用相同 resource group 的現有 NIC (必須先 detach)
    ~$ azure vm create -g cassandra -n test -l southeastasia -y Linux \
       --vm-size Standard_DS3_v2 \
       --os-disk-vhd \
       -f testnic}}}
    === azure storage ===
    * 官方文件:[ 使用 Azure CLI 搭配 Azure 儲存體]
    * `azure storage account list` 可以查詢目前建立的 storage account
    ~$ azure storage account list
    info:    Executing command storage account list
    + Getting storage accounts                                                     
    data:    Name                      Type          Location       Resource Group     
    data:    ------------------------  ------------  -------------  -------------------
    data:    tenmaxsglog               Standard_LRS  southeastasia  tenmax-sg-data     
    info:    storage account list command OK
    * `azure storage account keys list <name>` 可以查詢 storage account key
    ~$ azure storage account keys list tenmaxsglog
    info:    Executing command storage account keys list
    Resource group name: tenmax-sg-data
    + Getting storage account keys                                                 
    data:    Primary:   ***********
    data:    Secondary: ***********
    info:    storage account keys list command OK
    == AzureKit 安裝與使用 ==
    * pop 寫的 command line 工具
    ** 原始碼:
    * Mac OS X 安裝
    ~$ brew tap tenmax/azure
    ~$ brew install azurekit
    === 設定檔 ===
    * azurekit 包含 `azurecat`, `azuresink`, `azuresas` 三個小工具
    * 設定檔放在 `${HOME}/.azure/storagekeys`, 內容包括:
    === azurecat ===
    * A CLI tool to cat microsoft azure blob storage
    * 直接 cat 遠端 Azure Blob Storage 的檔案
    === azuresink ===
    * A CLI tool to pipe standard in to microsoft azure blob storage 
    * 將本機檔案上傳到 Azure Blob Storage
    === azuresas ===
    * 取得 Azure Blob Storage 的 sharing URL
    == GUI 界面 ==
    === Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer ===
    * 注意:需打開 MAC 安全性設定,才能進行安裝。
    * [[File:Mac_Security_Setting.png|400px]]
    === Cyberduck ===
    * Mac OS X 安裝
    brew install Caskroom/cask/cyberduck
    == 其他 CLI 工具 ==
    = Cassandra =
    == 內部文件 ==
    == 自學教材 ==
    * [ Cassandra Administration]
    ** by C Y Kan
    ** Publisher: Packt Publishing
    ** Release Date: November 2013
    ** ISBN: 9781782164203
    ** Running time: 2:51:40
    == 維運技巧 ==
    === 加機器 ===
    === 跨資料中心 ===
    * 跨資料中心時,Cassandra Driver 最好加上 Compression 的設定
    * [參考]
    = Ansible =
    == Ansible 快速入門 ==
    * sysadmincasts 三小時入門
    ** [  Episode #43 - 19 Minutes With Ansible (Part 1/4)]
    ** [ Episode #45 - Learning Ansible with Vagrant (Part 2/4)]
    ** [ Episode #46 - Configuration Management with Ansible (Part 3/4)]
    ** [ Episode #47 - Zero-downtime Deployments with Ansible (Part 4/4)]
    = Gradle =
    == 參考書目 ==
    * [ 免費電子書(1) Building and Testing with Gradle]
    * [ 免費電子書(2) Gradle Beyond the Basics]
    == 安裝 gradle ==
    * Mac 安裝
    {{{brew install gradle}}}
    * Debian / Ubuntu 安裝
    {{{apt-get -y install gradle}}}
    * 習慣 bash completion 的可以額外下載 gradle 的自動命令補完,並加入對應的 `.bashrc` 設定
    curl -L -s -o /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d/gradle
    == gradle init ==
    * 使用 `gradle init` 產生 gradle 專案目錄的範本
    ~$ mkdir -p gradle-sample
    ~$ cd gradle-sample
    ~/gradle-sample$ gradle init
    Total time: 2.419 secs
    This build could be faster, please consider using the Gradle Daemon:
    * `gradle init` 產生的目錄結構如下:
    ├── build.gradle
    ├── gradle
    │   └── wrapper
    │       ├── gradle-wrapper.jar
    │       └──
    ├── gradlew
    ├── gradlew.bat
    └── settings.gradle
    2 directories, 6 files
    * `gradle init` 支援產生不同的範本,包括:
    ** `gradle init --type basic`
    ** `gradle init --type groovy-library`
    ** `gradle init --type java-library`
    ** `gradle init --type pom`
    ** `gradle init --type scala-library`
    == gradle tasks ==
    * 可以用 `gradle tasks` 了解目前定義了哪些 task
    All tasks runnable from root project
    Build Setup tasks
    init - Initializes a new Gradle build. [incubating]
    wrapper - Generates Gradle wrapper files. [incubating]
    Help tasks
    buildEnvironment - Displays all buildscript dependencies declared in root project 'gradle-sample'.
    components - Displays the components produced by root project 'gradle-sample'. [incubating]
    dependencies - Displays all dependencies declared in root project 'gradle-sample'.
    dependencyInsight - Displays the insight into a specific dependency in root project 'gradle-sample'.
    help - Displays a help message.
    model - Displays the configuration model of root project 'gradle-sample'. [incubating]
    projects - Displays the sub-projects of root project 'gradle-sample'.
    properties - Displays the properties of root project 'gradle-sample'.
    tasks - Displays the tasks runnable from root project 'gradle-sample'.
    Total time: 1.994 secs
    This build could be faster, please consider using the Gradle Daemon:
    == gradle build ==
    * 編譯並產生 distribution
    {{{gradle build}}}
    == gradle clean ==
    * 清除編譯好的 build
    {{{gradle clean}}}
    == plugin: 'application' ==
    === gradle distZip ===
    * 產生 Release 用的 Zip 檔
    ~/git/tenmax-log-toolkit$ gradle distZip
    Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
    Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
    Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
    Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
    :processResources UP-TO-DATE
    Total time: 7.461 secs
    This build could be faster, please consider using the Gradle Daemon:
    jazz@jazzbook ~/git/tenmax-log-toolkit$ ls build/distributions/ 
    == plugin: 'spring-boot' ==
    === gradle bootRun ===
    Application tasks
    bootRun - Run the project with support for auto-detecting main class and reloading static resources
    == 學習資源 ==
    = Others =
    == brew ==
    {| class="wikitable"
    ! 指令 !! 描述 !! 範例
    | `brew doctor` || 檢查 brew 系統是否有潛在問題 || {{{~$ brew doctor
    Please note that these warnings are just used to help the Homebrew maintainers
    with debugging if you file an issue. If everything you use Homebrew for is
    working fine: please don't worry and just ignore them. Thanks!
    Warning: Your Homebrew is outdated.
    You haven't updated for at least 24 hours. This is a long time in brewland!
    To update Homebrew, run `brew update`.}}}
    | `brew desc` || 顯示套件的簡單描述 || {{{~$ brew desc mysql
    mysql: Open source relational database management system}}}
    | `brew info` || 顯示套件的詳細描述 || {{{~$ brew info mysql
    mysql: stable 5.7.12 (bottled)
    Open source relational database management system
    Conflicts with: mariadb, mariadb-connector-c, mysql-cluster, mysql-connector-c, percona-server
    Not installed
    ==> Dependencies
    Build: cmake ✘
    Required: openssl ✔
    ==> Options
    	Compile with the ARCHIVE storage engine enabled
    	Compile with the BLACKHOLE storage engine enabled
    	Build with debug support
    	Build the embedded server
    	Build with local infile loading support
    	Build with unit tests
    ==> Caveats
    We've installed your MySQL database without a root password. To secure it run:
    To connect run:
        mysql -uroot
    To have launchd start mysql now and restart at login:
      brew services start mysql
    Or, if you don't want/need a background service you can just run:
      mysql.server start}}}
    === 建立自己的 Cask ===
    * 參考文件:
    * STEP 1: 
    ~$ brew cask create microsoft-azure-storage-explorer
    * STEP 2: 照著修改內容 - 可以先看一下[ 別人的 Pull Request 常被檢討什麼]
    cask 'microsoft-azure-storage-explorer' do
      version :latest
      sha256 :no_check
      url ''
      name 'Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer'
      homepage ''
      license :gratis
      app 'Microsoft Azure Storage'
    * STEP 3: 檢驗是否可以正常下載
    ~$ brew cask audit --download microsoft-azure-storage-explorer
    * STEP 4: 檢驗語法是否正確
    ~$ cd "$(brew --repository)"/Library/Taps/caskroom/homebrew-cask
    homebrew-cask$ brew cask style --fix Casks/microsoft-azure-storage-explorer.rb
    * STEP 5: 檢查安裝與反安裝是否正確
    homebrew-cask$ brew cask install microsoft-azure-storage-explorer
    homebrew-cask$ brew cask uninstall microsoft-azure-storage-explorer
    * STEP 6: 建立新的 branch 分支
    homebrew-cask$ git checkout -b microsoft-azure-storage-explorer
    * STEP 7: 加入新的 Cask Formulae
    homebrew-cask$ git add Casks/microsoft-azure-storage-explorer.rb
    homebrew-cask$ git diff --cached
    homebrew-cask$ git commit -v
    * STEP 8: 送上自己的 gitlab 用來提交 Pull Request ( PS. 必須先 fork homebrew-cask 到自己的 github 帳號下 )
    homebrew-cask$ git push microsoft-azure-storage-explorer
    * STEP 9: 等 homebrew-cask 的 Travis CI 通過,若有錯誤,就還要反覆修改並重新提交內容。
    === 更新自己的 Cask ===
    * 參考:
    * STEP 1: 安裝 `cask-repair`
    # install and setup script - only needed once
    brew install vitorgalvao/tiny-scripts/cask-repair
    cask-repair --help
    # fork homebrew-cask to your account - only needed once
    cd "$(brew --repository)/Library/Taps/caskroom/homebrew-cask/Casks"
    hub fork
    cask-repair --pull origin --push jazzwang microsoft-azure-storage-explorer
    cask-repair microsoft-azure-storage-explorer
    * STEP 2: 照著問題回答,例如修改版號、修改下載網址等
    Type the new version (or leave blank to use the current one)
    > 0.8.0
    Paste the new URL (or leave blank to use the current one)
    === Homebrew Tap ===
    * 舉凡官方不收或是有 license 疑慮的 formula 變可透過 Homebrew Tap 的方式來自已管理。
    * [參考]
    == Tableau ==
    * 為了看 DSP 與 DMP 的 Daily Report,可以使用 Tableau 來觀察 CSV 檔的內容。
    * Mac 安裝
    brew install Caskroom/cask/tableau-public
    == Hadoop ==
    * 在 Mac 上安裝單機版(local mode)的 Hadoop 還蠻簡單的,只需要透過 `brew` 就可以裝好。
    * Mac 安裝
    brew install hadoop
    == Hive ==
    * 在 Mac 上安裝單機版(local mode)的 Hive 還蠻簡單的,只需要透過 `brew` 就可以裝好。
    * Mac 安裝
    brew install hive
    == Spark ==
    * 在 Mac 上安裝單機版(local mode)的 Apache Spark 還蠻簡單的,只需要透過 `brew` 就可以裝好。
    * Mac 安裝
    brew install apache-spark
    == Gist ==
    * RubyGems 安裝:
    gem install gist
    * Mac 安裝
    brew install gist
    * Debian / Ubuntu 安裝
    apt-get -y install gist
    * 使用
    ** 登入 - `gist --login`
    ** 上傳單一檔案 - `gist file1`
    ** 上傳多個檔案 - `gist file1 file2`
    ** 上傳 STDIN 到指定檔名 - `指令 | gist -f "檔名"`
    ** 複製 gist URL 到剪貼簿 - `指令 | gist -c`
    == Bash ==
    * 偶爾會用到一些 Bash 的色塊 COLOR
    * 參考文件:
    * TLDP 的測試腳本可以在 gist 取得
    == Spring Boot ==
    * 假設 project 名稱是 tenmax-audience-library ,主程式的 package 是 io.tenmax
    * 要切換 Spring Profile 可以在環境變數中,設定 `SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE` 為特定的 profile 名稱
    ** [參考]
    * 若要切換 log4j 的 level 一般要在 `application.yml` 先改好
    ** [參考]
    ** 因為有使用 gradle 的 `application` plugin,參考產生出來的 `bin/tenmax-audience-library` start script,發現可以在環境變數中,設定 `TENMAX_AUDIENCE_LIBRARY_OPTS`
    == Intellij IDEA CE ==
    * MAC OS X 安裝
    brew cask install intellij-idea-ce
    * 設定用 command line 指令 `idea` 就可以啟動 IDEA
    [[File:Idea command line launcher.png|400px]]
    == gitbook ==
    * MAC OS X 安裝
    * 編輯器
    brew cask install gitbook-editor
    * 用戶端程式
    npm -g install gitbook-cli
    == mailx ==
    * CentOS 安裝
    sudo yum -y install mailx postfix
    * 複製 Mac OS 家目錄下 `Library/Application\ Support/Firefox/Profiles/*.default` 的 `cert*.db` 與 `key*.db` 放到 Linux 家目錄的 `.cert` 底下
    * 設定帳號資訊於 `.mailrc`
    [jazz@tenmax-sg-spark1 ~]$ cat .mailrc 
    set smtp-use-starttls
    set nss-config-dir=/home/jazz/.cert
    set ssl-verify=ignore
    set smtp=smtp://
    set smtp-auth=login
    set smtp-auth-password=$PASSWORD
    set from=" Wang)"
    * 使用 `mail -s "信件標題" 收件者信箱 < 信件內容 ` 即可用命令列寄信
    * [參考]
    * [參考]
    == jq ==
    azurecat -b 4096 -z $URL  
    | jq -c '. | select( .bidRequest.domain=="") 
    | { underbid: .bidResponse.campUnderIds, winCampaign: .bidResponse.campaignId , 
    space: .bidRequest.spaceId , time: .dateTime }'

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