Version 1 (modified by rider, 17 years ago) (diff) |
################################## << [IvIsee] UserGuide? >> #######################################
[IvIsee] : A 3D-Model viewr, supports 8 kinds model format , and presents 7 kinds stereo display.
Bug Report : [lsi@…]
<1>. Istallation Notes
Only for Binary Files :
(1) Unzip "" into your home directory
(2) If you are using "Linux" ==> Copy the "IvIsee/Binary/Linux?" directory to your home directory , command following
cp -R ./IvIsee/Binary/Linux? ~/IvIsee
(3) If you are using "Windows" ==> Copy the "IvIsee\Binary\Win32" entire directory to "C:\" or anywhere you preferred , command following
(4) Verify all files in "~/IvIsee" for "Linux" or "C:\IvIsee\" in "Windows"
PS : Make sure "CONFIG" directory should be under "IvIsee" directory or your "HOME Directory" , like this
<2>. Setup Notes
Set "IvIsee_DIR" into the environment variable according your istallation path in Step <1> :
(1) If you are using "Linux" (with sh or bash) ==> Append following lines into your "~/.profile"
# =================================================================================================
# IvIsee Setting #
export IvIsee_DIR="${HOME}/IvIsee"
if [ -z "$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" ] ; then
if [ -z "$PATH" ] ; then
export PATH="${IvIsee_DIR}"
export PATH="${PATH}:${IvIsee_DIR}"
# =================================================================================================
And then re-source the "~/.profile" file or logout and then re-login again to effect all setting
(2) If you are using "Linux" (with csh or tcsh) ==> Append following lines into your "~/.cshrc"
# =================================================================================================
# IvIsee Setting #
setenv IvIsee_DIR "${HOME}/IvIsee"
if (! $?LD_LIBRARY_PATH) then
if (! $?PATH) then
setenv PATH "${IvIsee_DIR}"
setenv PATH "${PATH}:${IvIsee_DIR}"
# =================================================================================================
And then re-source the "~/.cshrc" file or logout and then re-login again to effect all setting
(3) If you are using "Windows" ==> Append following lines into your "C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT"
# =================================================================================================
set IvIsee_DIR=C:\IvIsee
set PATH=%PATH%;%IvIsee_DIR%
# =================================================================================================
And then reboot your machine to effect all setting
PS: If you are using "Window2000/XP" , you can also register your "IvIsee_DIR" and "PATH" variables in [Control Panel] -> [System] -> [Advanced] -> [Environment Variables] -> [System Variables]
# =================================================================================================
IvIsee_DIR ==> C:\IvIsee
PATH ==> %PATH%;%IvIsee_DIR%
# =================================================================================================
And then the setting will be effect immediately
<3>. Usage Notes
How to Use IvIsee :
(1) "Command-Line Mode"
<< 3.0.RC_1 -- Developed by "Kevin, NCHC, Taiwan" >>
Usage : ivisee <DataFile?> [StereoType?(0-6)] [{RenderWindowWidth?} {RenderWindowHeight?}] [FullScreenMode?(true|false)] [HideCursorMode?(true|false)]
[DataFile?] :
<2D Image>
a => .bmp
b => .jpg
c => .pbm
d => .pgm
e => .ppm
f => .tif
g => .dcm
<3D Model>
a => .3ds
b => .g
c => .cdi
d => .cyb
e => .dem
f => .obj
g => .stl
h => .tri
i => .vtk (default)
j => .wrl
[StereoType?] :
0 => Mono (default)
1 => CrystalEyes?
2 => RedBlue?
3 => Interlaced
4 => Dresden
5 => LeftEye?
6 => RightEye?
Example_1 : ./IvIsee? skin.vtk
Example_2 : ./IvIsee? skin.vtk 1
Example_3 : ./IvIsee? skin.vtk 0 800 600
Example_3 : ./IvIsee? skin.vtk 0 1024 768 true true
(2) "GUI & File-Association MODE"
- Makesure you are in an windows desktop environment now (such as MS-Windows , KDE , Gnome ...etc)
- Move your mouse to focus on a 3D models which any kind of IvIsee supported
- Press mouse right button , then find and choose "IvIsee" to open it (rember to enable the "Always Use This Program to Open..." checkbox)
<4>. Configuration Notes
You can change all IvIsee initial statements via tune the parameters in "CONFIG/IvIsee.attr" manually :
# [ IvI -- Attribute Define File ]
# << Hints & Notes >>
# 1. The "DataType?" of every filed could be referenced in "[ IvI -- Attribute Config File ]"
# 2. "_" means "NULL" , also equals to "Empty Value"
# 3. "(Read Only)" means "I suggest you don't modify it anymore"
# 4. Bugs Report : "lsi@…"
# AttribConfFile? : (Read Only) [ IvI -- Attribute Config File ]
AttribConfFile? CONFIG/attrib.conf
# ACLConfFile : (Read Only)
ACLConfFile _
# CMSConfFile : (Read Only)
CMSConfFile _
# ModelFile? : (Read Only)
# ImageFile? : (Read Only)
# ViewPage? : (Read Only)
# Operation : [_] , [New] , [Upload] , [Rendering] ,
# [Zoom] , [Rotate] , [Pan] , [Reset] ,
# [Wireframe] , [Surface] , [Hidden] , [NPR] (Now [NPR] not supported yet !!) ,
# [Non-Manifold] , [Feature] , [Boundary] ,
# [Mono] , [CrystalEyes?] , [RedBlue?] , [Interlaced] , [Dresden] , [LeftEye?] , [RightEye?] ,
# [Front] , [Back] , [Left] , [Right] , [Top] , [Bottom] , [Isometric] ,
# [Clean] , [Connectivity] , [Decimate] , [Normals] , [Smooth] , [Triangulate]
#Operation New
Operation New Zoom +20
# ModelName? : (Read Only)
# ModelType? : [.g] , [.cgm] , [.iv] , [.obj] , [.rib] , [.stl] , [.tri] , [.vtk] , [.wrl]
ModelType? .vtk
# ImageType? : [.bmp] , [.tif] , [.tiff] , [.jpg] , [.jpe] , [.jpeg]
ImageType? .jpg
JPEGQuality 100
# ImageInformation? : (Read Only)
# InterlacedReverse? : [true] | [false]
InterlacedReverse? true
# AcceptModelScalar? : [true] | [false]
AcceptModelScalar? true
# ======================================= VTK Attributes ======================================= #
Mapper_ScalarRange 0 1
RenderWindow_Size 900 650
RenderWindow_Position 0 0
Property_BackGround _ _ _
Property_ForeGround _ _ _
Property_Ambient 0.400000
Property_Diffuse 0.800000
Property_Specular 0.500000
Property_SpecularPower 50.000000
Camera_Position 0 0 1
Camera_FocalPoint 0 0 0
Camera_ViewUp _ _ _
Camera_ClippingRange _ _
Camera_ViewAngle _
Camera_EyeAngle _
Camera_WindowCenter _ _
Camera_ParallelScale _
Camera_FocalDisk _
Camera_Thickness _
Camera_Distance _
Camera_ParallelProjection _
Camera_ViewPlaneNormal _ _ _
Camera_Roll _
# ======================================= VTK Attributes ======================================= #
# Define_SmoothIteration : [N] >= [1]
Define_SmoothIteration 50
# Define_Representation : [Wireframe] , [Surface] , [Hidden] , [NPR] (Now [NPR] not supported yet !!)
Define_Representation Surface
# Define_EdgesType : [Object] , [Non-Manifold] , [Feature] , [Boundary]
Define_EdgesType Object
# Define_StereoType : [Mono] , [CrystalEyes?] , [RedBlue?] , [Interlaced] , [Dresden] , [LeftEye?] , [RightEye?]
Define_StereoType CrystalEyes?
# Define_MotionType : [Zoom] , [Rotate] , [Pan]
Define_MotionType Zoom
# Define_View Left : [Front] , [Back] , [Left] , [Right] , [Top] , [Bottom] , [Isometric]
Define_View Left
# Define_AdvanceProcess : [None] , [Clean] , [Connectivity] , [Decimate] , [Normals] , [Smooth] , [Triangulate]
Define_AdvanceProcess None
# Define_GraphicEngine : (Read Only)
Define_GraphicEngine {vtk version 3.2.0}
# Define_Information : (Read Only)
Define_Information _
# Define_RenderingHost : (Read Only)
Define_RenderingHost localhost
# Define_RenderingPort : (Read Only)
Define_RenderingPort 60000
# Define_SessionTimeOut : (Read Only)
Define_SessionTimeOut 1440
<5>. Operation Notes
Mouse and Keyboard Operation Scheme :
(1) Mouse Operation :
[Left-Button] => Rotate
[Right-Button] => Zoom
[Left-Button] + [Right-Button] => Pan
[Shift] + [Left-Button] => Pan
(2) Keyboard Operation :
<Basic Functions>
[0] => Stereo Off (Mono)
[1] => Stereo On with "Crystal Eyes"
[2] => Stereo On with "Red Blue"
[3] => Stereo On with "Interlaced"
[4] => Stereo On with "Dresden"
[5] => Stereo On with "Left Eye"
[6] => Stereo On with "Right Eye"
[s] => Surface
[w] => Wireframe
[r] => Reset Camera
[p] => Boundary Box
[t] => Texture Mapping
[u] => Snapshot Current Rendering Window into 2D Image (Support Deffierent Format)
[c] => Dump Current Rendering Model into 3D Geometry Dataset (Support Deffierent Format)
[q] => Quit
[e] => Exit
[ESC] => Reset All Attribute
[TAB] => Switch the Camera View
<Advanced Functions>
[BackSpace?] => Smooth
[F1] => Background Down
[F2] => Background Up
[F3] => Foreground Down
[F4] => Foreground Up
[F5] => Ambient Down
[F6] => Ambient Up
[F7] => Diffuse Down
[F8] => Diffuse Up
[F9] => Specular Down
[F10] => Specular Up
[F11] => SpecularPower? Down
[F12] => SpecularPower? Up
[+] => Constrast Up
[-] => Constrast Down
[PgUp?] => Brightness Up
[PgDn?] => Brightness Down
[Home] => Reset Image Color
[End] => Reverse Image Color
[Up] => Move Camera to Up
[Down] => Move Camera to Down
[Left] => Move Camera to Left
[Right] => Move Camera to Right
[Insert] => Start the "Timeout Callback" function manully
[Delete] => Stop the "Timeout Callback" function manully