Changes between Version 6 and Version 7 of GPFS_DRBL

Mar 2, 2008, 7:35:35 PM (17 years ago)




    v6 v7  
    88== 1. Introduction ==
    9         Follow the time, People's digital data need more and large spaces to store. Although, hard disk's volume is become large, but hard disk has phsical limit. GPFS(General Parallel File System) is a high-performance shard-disk file system. GPFS provide a virtual view to merge multi-disk into one large disk. DRBL is a Diskless Remote Boot mechanism, you just install OS and essential software in the DRBL server, don't install any software in client(client just enable PXE in BIOS, and anfter reboot, you have DRBL environment) .In this article we use DRBL to massively deploy GPFS nodes, it has two advantage (1)you can use DRBL command to manage your storage cluster (2)you can use GPFS to effective utilize client disk(If your client has disk).
     9        Follow the time, People's digital data need more and large spaces to store. Although, hard disk's volume is become large, but hard disk has phsical limit. GPFS(General Parallel File System) is a high-performance shard-disk file system. GPFS provide a virtual view to merge multi-disk into one large disk. DRBL is a Diskless Remote Boot mechanism, you just install OS and essential software in the DRBL server, don't install any software in client(client just enable PXE in BIOS, and anfter reboot, your DRBL environment is ok) .In this article we use DRBL to massively deploy GPFS nodes, it has three advantage (1)you can use DRBL command to manage your storage cluster, (2)you can use GPFS to effective utilize client disk(If your client has disk), (3)you can add and remove storages dynamicly with fault tolerance suppor.