
Version 91 (modified by jazz, 15 years ago) (diff)


Conferences/Journal? related to Open Source / Grid / Cloud / Green / Distributed / Parallel / Volunteer Computing

Conferences sorted by Submission Deadline

Conference/Journal? Location Date Submission Type Submission Deadline Status
International Workshop on Modeling, Managing and Mining of Evolving Social Networks
Long Beach, California, USA 2010-03-06 Paper (PDF) 2009-11-15
CCGrid 2010 Melbourne, Australia 2010-05 Poster 2010-01-04
WebApps '10
USENIX Conference on Web Application Development
Boston, MA 2010-06-20~25 Paper 2010-01-11
GECCO 2010
Portland, Oregon, USA 2010-07-07~11 Paper 2010-01-13
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing
Special Issue of JPDC on "Data Intensive Computing"
Journal Paper 2010-01-15
HPDC 2010
- Virtualization
Chicago, Illinois 2010-06-21~25 Paper 2010-01-15
HotPar '10
2nd USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Parallelism
Berkeley, CA 2010-06-14~15 Paper 2010-01-24
- 2010 USENIX Annual Technical Conference
Boston, MA, USA 2010-06-23~25 Paper 2010-01-11
WebApps '10
USENIX Conference on Web Application Development
Boston, MA 2010-06-23 ~ 25 Paper 2010-02-04
LEET '10
3rd USENIX Workshop on Large-Scale Exploits and Emergent Threats
San Jose, CA 2010-04-27 Paper 2010-02-25

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Conference Location Date Submission Type Submission Deadline

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