
Version 183 (modified by jazz, 14 years ago) (diff)


Conferences/Journal? related to Open Source / Grid / Cloud / Green / Distributed / Parallel / Volunteer Computing

Conferences sorted by Submission Deadline

Conference/Journal? Location Date Submission Type Submission Deadline Status
HPPAC 2010
The Seventh Workshop on High-Performance, Power-Aware Computing
- Power-aware middleware for HPC
- Power-aware runtime systems for HPC
2011-05-16 Anchorage, Alaska, USA Paper 2010-12-20
e-Energy 2011
- Energy, performance, quality of service and other resource trade offs
- Energy efficiency and virtualization
- Smart Grids: new computing and networking contributions
New York, USA 2011-05 Paper 2011-01-14
ICS 2011
25th International Conference on Supercomputing
- Large scale installations
- Performance evaluation studies
Arizona, USA 2011-06-01~04 Paper 2011-01-10
E-energy 2011 New York, USA 2011-05 Paper 2011-01-14
HPDC 2011
- Data intensive computing
- Security, configuration, policy, and management issues.
San Jose, CA, USA 2011-06-08~11 Paper 2011-01-17
The Third International Conference on Resource Intensive Applications and Services
- Data-intensive computing
- Cloud-computing intensiveness
Venice, Italy 2011-05-22~27 Paper 2011-01-25
ICAS 2011
The Seventh International Conference on Autonomic and Autonomous Systems
- CLOUD: Cloud computing and Virtualization
Venice, Italy 2011-05-22~27 Paper 2011-01-25
- Green computation
- Smart Grids technologies
Venice, Italy 2011-05-22~27 Paper 2011-01-25
MDA 2011
7th International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Mining MLDM 2011
New York, USA 2011-08-30~09-03 Paper 2011-02-01
The 5th International Workshop on Virtualization Technologies in Distributed Computing
San Jose, CA, USA 2011-06-08~11 Paper 2011-02-04
ACM SIGKDD conference
San Diego, USA 2011-08-21~24 Paper 2011-02-11
Intl. Conference on Green Computing
- Monitoring Resource Usage and Energy Consumption
- Smart Grids
Sofia, Bulgaria 2011-07-28~30 Paper 2011-02-15
ICPP 2011
- Cluster, Grid and Cloud Computing
Taipei, Taiwan 2011-09-13~16 Paper (PDF) 2011-02-24
Advances in Social Network Analysis and Mining
MSN 2011
The 1st International Workshop on Mobile Social Networks
Kaohsiung, Taiwan 2011-07-25~27 Paper 2011-03-01
- Power-efficient ("green") computing for clouds
Portland, USA 2011-06-14 Paper 2011-03-07
HotStorage'11 Portland, OR, USA 2011-06-14 Paper 2011-03-09
IGCC 2011
International Green Computing Conference
Orlando, FL, USA 2011-07-25~28 Paper 2011-03-18
GreenCom 2011 Chengdu, China 2011-08-01~03 Paper 2011-03-30
EnA-HPC 2011
Intl. Conf. on Energy Aware High Performance Computing
- Deployment of mechanisms
- Benchmarking
- Measurement
Hamburg, Germany 2011-09-07~09 Paper 2011-04-10
EISIC 2011
European Intelligence and Security Informatics Conference
- Spatial-temporal data analysis/GIS for crime analysis and security informatics
Athens, Greece 2011-09-12~14 Paper 2011-04-11
PSTI 2011
Second International Workshop on Parallel Software Tools and Tool Infrastructures
Taipei, Taiwan 2011-09-13~16 Paper 2011-04-11
SOCC 2011
ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing
Cascais, Portugal 2011-10-27~28 Paper 2011-04-30
ICDM 2011
IEEE International Conference on Data Mining
Vacouver, Canada 2011-12-11~14
EATIS 2012
The 6th Conference of the Euro American Conference on Telematics and Information Systems
- Data and Text Mining
- (Semantic) Web Services
Valencia City, Spain 2012-05-23~25 Paper 2011-11-08


The Journal of Information and Systems in Education

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