close Warning: Can't synchronize with repository "(default)" (Unsupported version control system "svn": /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/libsvn/ failed to map segment from shared object: Cannot allocate memory). Look in the Trac log for more information.

jazz/hadoop4win-dev: cygwin-1.5.25.log

File cygwin-1.5.25.log, 2.7 KB (added by jazz, 13 years ago)
1Starting cygwin install, version 2.738
2io_stream_cygfile: fopen(/etc/setup/setup.rc) failed 2 No such file or directory
3io_stream_cygfile: fopen(/etc/setup/last-cache) failed 2 No such file or directory
4io_stream_cygfile: fopen(/etc/setup/last-action) failed 2 No such file or directory
5io_stream_cygfile: fopen(/etc/setup/net-method) failed 2 No such file or directory
6io_stream_cygfile: fopen(/etc/setup/net-proxy-host) failed 2 No such file or directory
7io_stream_cygfile: fopen(/etc/setup/net-proxy-port) failed 2 No such file or directory
8io_stream_cygfile: fopen(/etc/setup/last-mirror) failed 2 No such file or directory
9io_stream_cygfile: fopen(/etc/setup/extrakeys) failed 2 No such file or directory
10io_stream_cygfile: fopen(/etc/setup/chooser_window_settings) failed 2 No such file or directory
11Current Directory: E:\
13Command Line Options:
14 -D --download                          Download from internet
15 -L --local-install                     Install from local directory
16 -s --site                              Download site
17 -O --only-site                         Ignore all sites except for -s
18 -R --root                              Root installation directory
19 -P --packages                          Specify packages to install
20 -C --categories                        Specify entire categories to install
21 -p --proxy                             HTTP/FTP proxy (host:port)
22 -q --quiet-mode                        Unattended setup mode
23 -M --package-manager                   Semi-attended chooser-only mode
24 -h --help                              print help
25 -l --local-package-dir                 Local package directory
26 -r --no-replaceonreboot                Disable replacing in-use files on next
27                                        reboot.
28 -X --no-verify                         Don't verify setup.ini signatures
29 -n --no-shortcuts                      Disable creation of desktop and start
30                                        menu shortcuts
31 -N --no-startmenu                      Disable creation of start menu shortcut
32 -d --no-desktop                        Disable creation of desktop shortcut
33 -K --pubkey                            Path to extra public key file (gpg
34                                        format)
35 -S --sexpr-pubkey                      Extra public key in s-expr format
36 -u --untrusted-keys                    Use untrusted keys from last-extrakeys
37 -U --keep-untrusted-keys               Use untrusted keys and retain all
38 -A --disable-buggy-antivirus           Disable known or suspected buggy anti
39                                        virus software packages during
40                                        execution.
41Ending cygwin install