
五月份 工作計畫


  • [完成 5/04] 檢查cps是否有錯誤
  • [完成 5/22] hadoop 範例教學 -> 字數統計
  • [完成 5/24] Building Nutch/Hadoop? project in eclipse
  • [完成 5/27] Programing map-reduce with eclipse 文件
  • [new 5/28 ] map-reduce 程式設計
  • [new ] nutch 應用範例 -> 索引硬碟資料



  • 已建立 的 package 檔以供 java import 之用
  • 研究hadoop 1.16.4 的程式碼,(hadoop 1.17.0 已公佈, 有些api有改變)
  • 實做HBase 範例 :方法如下
    1. 下載原始碼 解開
    2. 設定 conf/hbase-site.xml
          <description>The host and port that the HBase master runs at.
          <description>The directory shared by region servers.
    3. 設定
    4. set regionserver , slaves about host
    5. bin/ (執行此程式前,需確認HDFS有開啟)
  • 雖然 hbase 有在運作,但sample code仍報錯


  • 研究map-reduce 程式碼
  • hadoop 1.16.2 之後的版本就把hbase分離開來成獨立項目,因此/hadoop/src/java/org/apache/hadoop 已無hbase資料夾項目 (import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.* 將會出錯)



  • hadoop技術文件 How to Coding Hadoop with Eclipse and svn (odt format)


  • 文件製作中
  • 開會


  • 成功編譯hadoop in Eclipse 並解決昨天的問題
    • 解決錯誤 5. ==> Window > Preferences > java> compiler: 設定 compiler compliance level to 5.0 (變成9個warning)
    • 解決錯誤 7.1 ==> add a new MapReduce server location > server name : 任意 、 Hostname : localhost 、 Installation directory: /home/waue/workspace/nutch/ 、 Username : waue
    • 解決錯誤 7.2 ==> 其實在執行7.1之前需要先將hadoop filesystem startup 起來才行,並且將範例檔放入hadoop filesystem中如bin/hadoop dfs -put 132.txt test
    • 解決錯誤 8 ==> 打開umd-hadoop-core > src > edu.umd.cloud9.demo > DemoWordCount?.java ,編輯程式碼如 String filename = "/user/waue/test/132.txt"; ,接著右鍵點run as ... > 選擇之前設定的hadoop file system > 看到console 端 map-reduce 已經在run即可
    • 安裝IBM mapReduce tool
      1. 下載
      2. 關掉 Eclipse -> 解壓縮 MapReduce Tools zip 到 /usr/lib/eclipse/plugins/
    • 使用 IBM mapReduce tool
      • 重開啟Eclipse-> 選 File > New > Project ->有 MapReduce category.
      • 使用教學: Help -> Cheat sheet -> MapReduce -> Write a MapReduce application


  • 藉著用此篇文章實做設計map-reduce 程式 cloud 9 ,以下紀錄我的作法:
    1. Eclipse > Preferences). Select option Team > SVN. Change SVN interface to "SVNKit".
    2. by right clicking on left panel > New > Repository Location.
    3. Right click on trunk > Checkout... Follow dialog to check out repository.
      • ps: 注意 subclipse 相當耗資源,因此執行eclipse 時需加入參數如 "eclipse -vmargs -Xmx512m" 以免遭到 out of memory error
    4. switch back to the Java perspective, have two new projects: umd-hadoop-core and umd-hadoop-dist.
    5. Select menu option: Project > Clean... (卡住.. 因為發生了九百多個錯誤 )
    6. enable the MapReduce servers window go to: Window > Show View > Other... > MapReduce Tools > MapReduce Servers 7.1 At the top right edge of the tab, you should see two little blue elephant icons. The one on the right allows you to add a new MapReduce server location. The hostname should be the IP address of the controller. You want to enable "Tunnel Connections" and put in the IP address of the gateway. (只有看到一隻大象)
    7. 2 At this point, you should now have access to DFS. It should show up under a little elephant icon in the Project Explorer (on the left side of Eclipse). You can now browse the directory tree. Your home directory should be /user/your_username. A sample collection consisting of the Bible and Shakespeare's works has been preloaded on the cluster, stored at /shared/sample-input. (卡住)
    8. Find edu.umd.cloud9.demo.DemoWordCount? in the Project Explorer (卡住,找不到該檔)


  • 使用eclipse build hadoop 有些工具可以使用 1. subclipse (svn in eclipse plugin) 2. IBM mapReduce toolkit (an applicantion of Hadoop in eclipse)
    1. 安裝Subclipse
      • Help -> Software Updates -> Find and Install... -> search for new features ... -> new remote site -> name : subclipse , site :
      • 由於會出現軟體相依性的問題,因此我是加入舊版&新版的site,並且兩個都勾選安裝,如此一來就可以安裝完成
      • Window->Show View->Other…-> SVN->SVN Repository -> new site :
      • 右鍵menu -> Checkout… -> 點擊Finish即完成
      • 若出現 Problem: Javahl interface is not available 的問題,參照以下解決
        1. sudo apt-get install libsvn-javahl libsvn-dev
        2. sudo ln -s /usr/lib/jni/ /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/lib/i386/client/


  • 繼續測試在eclipse 編譯 nutch,發現在上面run的都是jar檔,解開後裡面包的是class file ,因此修改程式碼的方法還要研究
  • 5/16的步驟今天突然無法執行,後來解決的方法如下:
    • ssh localhost 不可有密碼
    • 檢查設定檔,如 ,
    • 出現 connect localhost:9000 failed => 1. hadoop namenode -format 2. 3. hadoop dfs -put urls urls 之後在執行run


  • 感謝sunni指點迷津,nutch 成功build in nutch
    1. File ==> new ==> Project ==> java project ==> Next ==> Project name (設成 nutch0.9) ==> Contents ==> Create project from existing(選擇存放nutch路徑) ==> Finish.
    2. 此時會出現366個error , 即使用網路上得除錯方法:將兩個jar( jid3lib-0.5.1.jarrtf-parser.jar ) 放入nutch-0.9的lib文件夾下。在Eelipse中右鍵點擊 nutch0.9 ==> properties.. ==> Java Build Path ==> Librarles ==> Add External JARs... ==> 點選剛下載的兩個jar ==>ok
    3. 但此時還是有一堆錯誤,解決的方法是 Eelipse中右鍵點擊 nutch0.9 ==> properties.. ==> Java Build Path ==> Source ==>將資料夾圖示的都刪掉,僅加入nutch/conf
    4. 此時會看到所有的錯誤都解除,接著修改 nutch/conf 內的 nutch-site.xml 、 crawl-urlfilter.txt、、,並在nutch/ 下加入 urls/urls.txt,並將要掃描的網址寫入urls.txt
    5. Menu Run > "Run..." ==> create "New" for "Java Application"
      • set in Main class = org.apache.nutch.crawl.Crawl
      • on tab Arguments:
        • Program Arguments = urls -dir crawl -depth 3 -topN 50
        • in VM arguments: -Dhadoop.log.dir=logs -Dhadoop.log.file=hadoop.log
      • click on "Run"


  • building nutch in eclipse
  • 協助 F. P. Lin 申請nchcca憑證 加入pragma grid


  • 將nutch 加入 eclipse 作building 但有錯誤
    1. 設定nutch
    2. File > New > Project > "Java project" > click Next
    3. project 命名為 nutch
    4. Select "Create project from existing source" and use the location where you downloaded Nutch
    5. Click on Next, and wait while Eclipse is scanning the folders
    6. Libraries(第三個tagJ) Add class Floder -> "conf"
    7. Eclipse should have guessed all the java files that must be added on your classpath. If it's not the case, add "src/java", "src/test" and all plugin "src/java" and "src/test" folders to your source folders. Also add all jars in "lib" and in the plugin lib folders to your libraries
    8. Set output dir to "tmp_build", create it if necessary


  1. 檢查並修改trac 上得cps是否為維誠給的 [apgrid同意版]
    1. 將word檔內容貼到文字檔 ori.txt
    2. 將trac上得內容貼到文字檔 new.txt
    3. 消除不同的格式 (如 "\n\n"->" \n " (換兩行->換一行)、"._"、 "_*_"、":_\n")
    4. vimdiff new.txt ori.txt
    5. 檢查結果如下


  1. 完成 nchc cp/cps v.1.13 (apgrid 同意) 版本 於 ca網站及trac 主要麻煩為:最後經weicheng確認並認可的是word檔,要轉成html且wiki格式的步驟流程
    1. cps 1.1.3 on doc format -> new.txt文字檔
    2. cps 1.1.0 on html format in trac -> old.txt文字檔
    3. vimdiff new.txt old.txt 檢視不同資訊 並修改 trac上舊的cps 1.1.0資訊成新版的
    4. 將新的cps 1.1.3 從trac存到local 並用KompoZer編輯成原ca網站上的格式
    5. 上傳並取代舊版


  1. 基於資安問題將nutch限制瀏覽ip,修改conf/server.xml檔,加入
    <Context path="/path/to/secret_files" ...>
      <Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.RemoteAddrValve"
        allow="" deny=""/>
  1. tomcat 調校方法 中文英文


  1. nutch 運作於 管理規範專區成功,並parse進pdf,word內容 改法為在加入內容



  1. nutch 運作於 管理規範專區成功,但內容卻不包含pdf, word, ...
Last modified 17 years ago Last modified on Jun 2, 2008, 11:23:44 AM