
Version 10 (modified by waue, 14 years ago) (diff)


hadoop 進階課程 課程大綱

時間 時數 課程內容
09:30~10:30 1.0h Hadoop & ecosystem 簡介
10:30~11:00 0.5h Map Reduce 原理說明
11:00~12:00 1 h Streaming & MapReduce compiler
12:00~13:30 1.5h - 午餐
13:30~14:00 0.5h 開發輔助工具 Eclipse | NetBeans?
14:00~14:30 0.5h Map Reduce 程式架構
14:30~15:00 0.5h 程式設計I- HDFS 操作
15:00~16:30 1.5h 程式設計II-範例程式
時間 時數 課程內容
09:30~11:00 1.5h HBase 簡介與架構
11:00~12:00 1 h HBase 安裝操作說明
12:00~13:30 1.5h - 午餐
13:30~14:30 1 h HBase 程式架構與範例
14:30~15:30 1h Hadoop + HBase + PHP 案例實務
15:30~16:30 1h hadoop + 關聯式資料庫
  • 若出現以下錯誤
    Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.CommunicationsException: Communications link failure
    The last packet sent successfully to the server was 0 milliseconds ago. The driver has not received any packets from the server.

代表程式碼連線到 mysql 的設定方法有錯誤,通常是Mysql 只聽 localhost,但你讓他去連 your_ip ,導致出現這樣的訊息,

  • 解決方法就是
  1. 連線到 local
      DBConfiguration.configureDB(conf, "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver", "jdbc:mysql://localhost/school", "waue", "wauenchc");
  1. 讓mysql 可以遠端存取

mysql 遠端存取方法

修改 /etc/mysql/my.cnf

# bind-address
bind-address your_ip_address
$ sudo /etc/init.d/mysql restart
$ mysql -u root -p 

mysql> grant all on school.* to waue identified by 'wauenchc' with grant option;
mysql> exit

$ mysql -h your_ip_address -u waue -p "wauenchc"

出現 mysql> 則代表成功

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