
Version 15 (modified by waue, 15 years ago) (diff)


cloudera 0.18 -> 0.20

  • hadoop install
    $ sudo su -
    # apt-get install hadoop-0.18 hadoop-0.18-namenode  hadoop-conf-pseudo
    # apt-get install hadoop-0.18-datanode hadoop-0.18-jobtracker hadoop-0.18-tasktracker
  • hadoop namenode format
    # su -s /bin/bash - hadoop -c 'hadoop namenode -format'
    • use instruction
      # su -s /bin/bash - hadoop -c " COMMAND "
  • startup
    # /etc/init.d/hadoop-namenode start
  • setup the conf files


(, core-site.xml, hdfs-site.xml, mapred-site.xml)


  • upgrade cloudera-hadoop-0.18 ---> official-hadoop 0.20
    # su -s /bin/bash - hadoop -c " /opt/hadoop/bin/hadoop namenode -upgrade "
  • the successful screen shot :

  • but terminal console is handle by hadoop process

  • Start the rest of HDFS

When the datanodes start, they will connect to the Name Node and an upgrade will be initiated.

# su -s /bin/bash - hadoop -c "/opt/hadoop/bin/ start namenode -upgrade"

Once all the DataNodes? have upgraded, you should see a message that Safe mode will be turned off automatically in X seconds.

After you have verified correct operation of HDFS, you are ready to start MapReduce.

  • finalize the hdfs upgrade

Now that you've confirmed your cluster is successfully running on Hadoop 0.20, you can go ahead and finalize the HDFS upgrade: {{{{ $ sudo -u hadoop hadoop dfsadmin -finalizeUpgrade }}}

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