

How to Configure GridWay? Based on DRBL

  • 1. Introduction

    • GridWay? is a Globus project, which provides scheduling functionalities similar to distributed resource management systems. GridWay? interfaces to remote resources through Globus GRAM job manager. GridWay? meta-scheduler integrates with the remote platforms and resource managers (Fork, PBS, SGE, LSF, LoadLeveler? and Condor) compatible with Globus.
  • 3. Troubleshooting

    • (1) Could not create remote job directory (gsi

    • (2) Copy of file stdout.wrapper failed. Copy of file stderr.wrapper failed. Some output files were not copied, will NOT remove remote directory.

      • At first, you should check if the GridWay? administrator and all GridWay? users are the same UNIX group. The permission of the job working directory($GW_JOB_HOME) should be written by the GridWay? users. You can try "chmod g+w $GW_JOB_HOME".

    • (3) Transfer MAD ($nice) not loaded for user gwuser

      • The setting format of the configuration file (gwd.conf) in older versions and new version are different.

        older versions:
        IM_MAD = <mad_name>:<path_to_mad>:[args]:[nice]:<tm_mad_name>:<em_mad_name>
        nice: Integer value, that will be added to the rank calculated for the hosts managed by this Information Driver. 
              So you can prioritize, at a coarse level, hosts from different Information Drivers (or Grids).
        new version (v5.4):
        IM_MAD = <mad_name>:<path_to_mad>:[args]:<tm_mad_name>:<em_mad_name>
      • Now GridWay? has remove [nice] field, so you may meet this error(Transfer MAD ($nice) not loaded for user gwuser) if you still set the [nice] field.


Last modified 16 years ago Last modified on Oct 14, 2008, 5:37:25 PM