實作四 Lab 4
HDFS 叢集環境操作練習
HDFS full distributed mode in practice
HDFS full distributed mode in practice
以下練習,請連線至 hdp01.3du.me 操作。底下的 userXX 等於您的用戶名稱。 以下練習,請連線至 hdp02.3du.me 操作。底下的 userXX 等於您的用戶名稱。 以下練習,請連線至 hdp03.3du.me 操作。底下的 userXX 等於您的用戶名稱。 以下練習,請連線至 hdp04.3du.me 操作。底下的 userXX 等於您的用戶名稱。
user0@hdp:~$ hadoop fs -ls user0@hdp:~$ hadoop fs -mkdir tmp user0@hdp:~$ hadoop fs -ls Found 1 items drwxr-xr-x - user0 supergroup 0 2014-03-23 02:04 /user/user0/tmp
產生一個 100 MB 的檔案
user0@hdp:~$ dd if=/dev/zero of=100mb.img bs=1M count=100 100+0 records in 100+0 records out 104857600 bytes (105 MB) copied, 0.0589096 s, 1.8 GB/s user0@hdp:~$ hadoop fs -put 100mb.img test.img user0@hdp:~$ hadoop fs -ls Found 2 items -rw-r--r-- 1 user0 supergroup 104857600 2014-03-23 02:08 /user/user0/test.img drwxr-xr-x - user0 supergroup 0 2014-03-23 02:04 /user/user0/tmp
觀察 block 分佈情形
user0@hdp:~$ hadoop fsck /user/$USER/test.img -files -blocks -locations FSCK started by user0 from / for path /user/$USER/test.img at Sun Mar 23 02:11:08 UTC 2014 /user/user0/test.img 104857600 bytes, 2 block(s): OK 0. blk_-4422576463029178583_1044 len=67108864 repl=1 [] 1. blk_7793285600029540175_1044 len=37748736 repl=1 [] Status: HEALTHY Total size: 104857600 B Total dirs: 0 Total files: 1 Total blocks (validated): 2 (avg. block size 52428800 B) Minimally replicated blocks: 2 (100.0 %) Over-replicated blocks: 0 (0.0 %) Under-replicated blocks: 0 (0.0 %) Mis-replicated blocks: 0 (0.0 %) Default replication factor: 1 Average block replication: 1.0 Corrupt blocks: 0 Missing replicas: 0 (0.0 %) Number of data-nodes: 9 Number of racks: 1 FSCK ended at Sun Mar 23 02:11:08 UTC 2014 in 9 milliseconds The filesystem under path '/user/$USER/test.img' is HEALTHY
user0@hdp:~$ hadoop fs -setrep 2 /user/$USER/test.img Replication 2 set: hdfs://hdp:9000/user/$USER/test.img user0@hdp:~$ hadoop fsck /user/$USER/test.img -files -blocks -locations FSCK started by user0 from / for path /user/$USER/test.img at Sun Mar 23 02:45:11 UTC 2014 /user/$USER/test.img 104857600 bytes, 2 block(s): OK 0. blk_-4422576463029178583_1044 len=67108864 repl=2 [, 10.2 40.174.73:50010] 1. blk_7793285600029540175_1044 len=37748736 repl=2 [, 10.24 0.116.151:50010] Status: HEALTHY Total size: 104857600 B Total dirs: 0 Total files: 1 Total blocks (validated): 2 (avg. block size 52428800 B) Minimally replicated blocks: 2 (100.0 %) Over-replicated blocks: 0 (0.0 %) Under-replicated blocks: 0 (0.0 %) Mis-replicated blocks: 0 (0.0 %) Default replication factor: 1 Average block replication: 2.0 Corrupt blocks: 0 Missing replicas: 0 (0.0 %) Number of data-nodes: 9 Number of racks: 1 FSCK ended at Sun Mar 23 02:45:11 UTC 2014 in 0 milliseconds The filesystem under path '/user/$USER/test.img' is HEALTHY
Last modified 10 years ago
Last modified on Oct 25, 2014, 1:07:17 AM