- 08-11-28: Cost of Power in Large-Scale Data Centers
- 08-11-26: Privacy Issues When "Computing in the Cloud"
- 08-11-26: 雲端計算+企業微利成趨勢 IT委外市場受矚目
- 08-11-26: 專訪簡立峰(下):作業系統主場的時代已過去
Google用的平台架構是Hadoop,把演算法公開讓社群自己去開發,上頭的軟體都開放原始碼。 因為台灣網路產業太小,如果老是只做台灣人想用的東西,那也不會有機會。 如果台灣軟體業要靠雲端開始起步,做出來就要是全世界都可以用的服務。
- 08-11-25: Cloud definitions and economics
- 08-11-24: 專訪簡立峰(上):社群網站較不適合陽剛的Google
- 08-11-24: IBM to Validate Resiliency of Cloud Computing Infrastructures
- 08-11-22: 微軟對決Google:只講“雲”是不負責任的
- 08-11-20: FIAC Presentation Mentions Cloud Computing
- 08-11-20: Sys-Con Cloud Computing Expo: World-Wide Cloud Computing - Reuven Cohen Invents The "Unsession"
- 08-11-19: Science Cloud Available at Masaryk University's MetaCentrum
- The Kupa compute cloud at Masaryk University's MetaCentrum is available.
- 08-11-19: Sun Cloud Czar
- 08-11-19: The Commoditization of Massive Data Analysis
- 08-11-19: 深度:雲計算像發電廠一樣改變世界
- 08-11-18: Gaming: The Last Bastion of "Not for Cloud" Conquered?
- 08-11-18: Is Eucalyptus ready to be your private cloud?
- 08-11-18: Should Yahoo Join Google, Amazon.com, Salesforce.com in the Cloud?
- 08-11-18: Could the Cloud Save Yahoo?
- 08-11-17: Cloud Computing at DoD, DISA, DIA, CENTCOM and NCOIC
- 08-11-15: Cloud Computing with openQRM 4.2
- 08-11-15: 景氣差!Sun Microsystem積極內部重組 計畫最多裁員18%
- Sun Microsystems於聲明中宣布,軟體業務將拆分成3個不同部門:由3位執行副總分別主理Application Platform Software(應用平台軟體)、Systems Platfor ms(系統平台)以及Cloud Computing and Developer Pl atforms(雲端運算暨開發者平台)。
- 08-11-14: IT要聞-展現雲端野心 Cisco勾勒可攜式服務願景
- 08-11-14: My Top Eleven Predictions for 2009
- 6. The Cloud grows more serious.
- Companies will start to have to gain an understanding of the impact of trusting a third party provider.
- Service management of the cloud will become a key success factors.
- 6. The Cloud grows more serious.
- 08-11-14: Comparing Amazon's EC2, Google's App Engine and Microsoft's Azure
- 08-11-14: Why the Choice of Cloud Computing Type May Depend On Who's Buying
- 08-11-13: Will Cloud Computing Take Off
- 08-11-13: AMD宣佈全面提供新的AMD Opteron™四核心處理器並提供廣泛的全球OEM支援
今年第二季雲端計算(cloud computing)和虛擬化等新興技術的年成長率為60% 2,這些技術正在快速部署中,但是需要一個平衡的解決方案。
- 08-11-12: IT要聞-雲端運算適用所有企業?富比士認為並非如此!
- 08-11-12: DISA taps CollabNet to manage DoD cloud software development
- 08-11-12: In Cloud Computing, a Good Network Gives You Control...
- 08-11-12: Cloud Thinking: Amazon, Microsoft, and Google
- 08-11-12: Q&A: Nicholas Carr on 'The Big Switch' to Cloud Computing
- 08-11-11: IT要聞-微軟推雲端平台Azure 欲與Amazon、Google爭天下
- 08-11-11: Cloud Computing: Emerging Tools Give IT Hands-On Management Access
- 08-11-11: President-Elect Obama: Good for Cloud Computing
- 歐巴馬勝選對 Cloud Computing 有幫助?!
- 08-11-10: EMC Delivers Policy-Based Information Management Solution For Building Cloud Storage Infrastructures
- 08-11-10: Valiant Angel - A Perfect PED Application for Cloud Computing
- 08-11-09: 普渡大學提供 Science Cloud 平台 wispy
- 08-11-06: A Quick Guide To The "Big Four" Cloud Offerings - 看看雲端運算的前四大供應商的服務差異
- 08-11-06: 雲端運算資料中心效應浮現 伺服器將穩定成長
- 08-11-05: How to Explain Cloud Computing to Your CFO
- 08-11-04: Get Off of My Cloud: Private Cloud Computing Takes Shape
Last modified 16 years ago
Last modified on Jan 10, 2009, 3:36:37 PM