- 2008-10-31: Government still wary of cloud computing
- 2008-10-31: 不景氣IT抗漲術,「雲端運算」讓企業更靈活! - (原文)
- 2008-10-31: 跨足「雲端」微軟窗外有「藍天」
- 2008-10-30: 甲骨文公司轉向雲端計算
- 2008-10-29: Federal Grants from the Cloud
- 美國 Department of Interior (內政部?)將建立雲端運算平台來管理政府的補助
- 2008-10-29: 雲端運算、網路倉儲時代來臨
- 2008-10-28: 微軟Azure延伸開發平台到雲端
- 2008-10-28: A VPN for Cloud Computing
- 2008-10-24: Is Amazon in Danger of Becoming the Walmart of the Cloud?
- 作者講述 Walmart 對美國鄉村的危害,並擔心 Amazon 會成為 Internet 世界中的 Walmart。以目前整體的雲端產業供應鏈來看,確實 Amazon 扮演了最底層的資源服務提供。只是 Amazon 是否會因而在未來雲端運算的市場中獨大,值得繼續觀察整體趨勢發展。
- 2008-10-24: 3 Ways Web-Based Computing Will Change Colleges
- 2008-10-24: IT要聞-Gartner看好SaaS後勢 預計2012年市場規模將達148億美元
- 2008-10-23: The Cloud Computing Adoption Model
- 2008-10-23: Why the Cloud? Processing, Exploitation and Dissemination
- 2008-10-22: Cloud Networking
- 2008-10-22: Virtualization as the Platform for Cloud Computing (Interview @ 2008-05-02)
- 2008-10-22: IDC: Cloud Computing to be 10% of all IT spend in 5 years
- 2008-10-20: IDC Finds Cloud Computing Entering Period of Accelerating Adoption and Poised to Capture IT Spending Growth Over the Next Five Years
- 2008-10-18: Missing in the Cloud: package managment
- 2008-10-15: Ex-Google, Yahoo employees behind Hadoop startup
- 2008-10-15: Virtualization Tops Gartner's 10 Strategic Technologies for 2009
- Cloud Computing is 2nd Strategic Technologies for 2009!!
- 2008-10-15: Web 2.0、SaaS與雲端運算 只是新流行語而已?!
- 2008-10-14: Cloud Computing & Cloudy AJAX: Putting RIAs on Amazon's EC2 with Savings & Efficiency
- 2008-10-13: 以互聯網處理數據,新加坡晉入雲計算時代
- 2008-10-13: New York Times: The cloud isn’t for everyone
- 2008-10-13: Cloud and Grid are Complementary Technologies
- 一直以來大家總是在爭論格網(Grid)與雲端(Cloud)的差異,姑且不論到底雲端是基於格網,亦或格網基於雲端,但目前看起來這兩者確實是相輔相承的。
- 2008-10-12: Privacy In the Cloud: Show Me The Money
- 2008-10-10: Databases are hammers; MapReduce is a screwdriver
- 2008-10-10: 中譯: 資料庫系統是榔頭; MapReduce 則是螺絲起子
- 2008-10-09: Developers discuss ways to program in cloud environments
- 2008-10-08: Comparing AppEngine , EC2 and Caroline
- 2008-10-06: Cloud Hopping is the Key to Cloud Computing
- 2008-10-04: Cloud Computing Is for Capitalist Pigs - Raul Castro
- 2008-10-03: Data Debasement: Cloud computing will change the way we look at databases
- We’re entering the age of cloud computing, remember? And clouds, it turns out, don’t like databases, at least not as they have traditionally been used.
- 我們正進入雲端運算的時代,記得嗎? 然而雲端似乎不喜歡資料庫, 至少不像以前那樣使用資料庫. (Jazz: 哈~真是一語道破資料庫轉換的門檻啊!!)
- 2008-10-02: 「雲端運算」(雲計算)已經講到爛?Gartner建議從二分法重新學起
- 2008-10-01: Cloud Computing and Emerging IT Platforms: Vision, Hype, and Reality for Delivering Computing as the 5th Utility
IT Cloud Services User Survey
- 2008-09-23: IDC on “the Cloud”: Table of Contents
- 2008-09-29: IT Cloud Services User Survey, pt.1: Crossing the Chasm
- 2008-10-02: IT Cloud Services User Survey, pt.2: Top Benefits & Challenges
- 2008-10-03: IT Cloud Services User Survey, pt.3: What Users Want From Cloud Services Providers
- 2008-10-01: 從數千台電腦精簡到數十台伺服器
- 2008-10-01: 雲端運算風暴來襲
Last modified 16 years ago
Last modified on Dec 17, 2008, 9:18:20 PM