- 2008-07-31: Cloud computing goes open source
- 2008-07-31: 惠普、Intel和雅虎聯手創建雲計算研究平臺
- 2008-07-31: Microsoft’s road to the cloud is paved with parallelism
- 2008-07-29: Open Source Fuels Growth of Cloud Computing, SaaS
- 2008-07-29: 人物特寫:微軟全球資深副總裁 "張亞勤" 看雲端運算 - 1、2、3、微軟雲端技術新策略將於10月公布
問:包括Google等網路業者積極推廣「雲端運算」, 會對微軟領先的傳統作業系統市場造成什麼影響? 答:我覺得「雲端運算」應該分割成「雲」(Cloud) 和「端」(Client)等兩個部分來看。由於網路 發達,以後「雲」會扮演更吃重的角色,很多運算 能力會放在網路上,像電子郵件e-mail 、即時 通訊(IM)等,微軟其實很早就投入這塊,幾年前 就推出.Net概念。 不過,像智慧型手機(smart phone) 、電腦、 電視、車用電子等電子終端裝置,運算能力還是會 同步並進,不可能把所有任務都交給網路雲端。微軟 是少數有能力整合兩者的公司。
- 2008-07-28: Peering Into Microsoft's Cloud
- 2008-07-28: 蘋果公司雲計算服務遭遇困難
- 2008-07-26: 價位少 潛力高 輕省筆電迫使大型電腦製造商正面應戰
- 2008-07-25: 微軟低調應對雲計算 推出"Red Dog"計劃
- 2008-07-25: Cloud Computing - IBM's Got Its Head in the Clouds
- 2008-07-24: The Cloud and Cloud Computing consensus definition?
- 2008-07-24: The Next Three Big Open-Source Challenges: Cloud Computing, Open Web and Mobile
- 2008-07-23: Cloud Enabled
- 2008-07-21: Cloud versus cloud: A guided tour of Amazon, Google, AppNexus, and GoGrid
- 2008-07-21: CherryPal發布雲計算PC 功耗僅2W
- 2008-07-20: Inside the Cloud: 9 Sectors to Watch
- 2008-07-18: Cloud Computing: Hype Versus Reality
- 2008-07-18: Gartner:雲端運算式保安服務將於二零一三年前升逾三倍
- 2008-07-17: Pentagon’s IT Unit Seeks to Adopt Cloud Computing
- 2008-07-17: SaaS 出租軟體服務 雲端運算出租網路資源
- 2008-07-16: How much is a unit of cloud computing?
- 2008-07-10: HP to Power Department of Defense Cloud Computing Infrastructure
- 2008-07-03: Google的那朵「雲」及其智慧
- 2008-07-01: Hypertable領導者:Hadoop和分布式數據庫
- 2008-07-01: Microsoft, Now Loving Hadoop
Other Related Links
- Amazon EC2 alternative
- Google AppEngine
- GoGrid<1><2><3><4>
- Flexiscale
For virtual machines: GoGrid FlexiScale Joyent (no API) Gridlayer For application hosting: Mosso GAE Heroku (Rails only) In-house VMs/Clouds: Eucalyptus (Open Source) 3tera
- Science Clouds
Last modified 16 years ago
Last modified on Aug 5, 2008, 4:47:54 AM