Version 199 (modified by rock, 15 years ago) (diff) |
【1. 2009 Task】
- 「SC 2009 出國報告一份」(2009-11-30)
【2. Project】
【3. Note】
- Virtualization
- Kerrighed Note?
- 大阪船舶模擬程式
- Xen Note
- KVM Note?
- Kemari
- 如何將 Virtualization 包裝成服務給人使用
- Rider 的 GPU on Xen 課程:
- VMGL 再 VM 上的應用 -> domU 不需分配到顯卡資源,所有的 3D 加速都是透過 dom0來計算,再將結果傳給 domU 的 vmgl 來畫出,彼此間的溝通訊息是透過 VMGl 開啟的通道 (有點像 X server/Client 的概念,dom0 的 VMGL 負責處理影像資料,domU的 VMGL 負責描繪出畫面)
- CUDA 再 VM 上的應用 -> domU 需得到顯卡資源,再透過 dom0 的 backed driver 來操作顯卡硬體
- Cloud Computing: Resistance is Pointless
- 裡面有段談到Cloud和Virtualization的關係,原文如下-> Cloud Computing isn’t virtualization or vice versa but Cloud Computing creates an excellent platform for virtualization. Amazon’s EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud), for example, is a Cloud Computing environment (as the name implies) built using Xen. Alternatively, Google bases its Cloud environment almost entirely upon physical hardware. Providers who create Cloud-based environments for public consumption, like Amazon’s EC2, will do so using virtualization due to its low cost, flexibility, and high performance.
- FS
- Lustre
- Lustre Storage Cluster for 3D Fly platform
- Lustre error?
- umount 順序: clients, MDT, OSTs.
- lustre_rmmod
- 測試 Lustre 跨 Site,mgt、ost和Client可正常運作,測試 Lustre Arch for VM Images in Two Site
- A Site->mgs*1,oss*3 , B Site->oss*3 ,
- A Site->mgs*1,oss*3 , B Site->mgs*1(Second),oss*3
- A Site->mgs*1,oss*3 , B Site->mgs*1(獨立),oss*3 , A和B Site 的 oss 之間用 DRBD 同步,理論上空間最小但效能應該最佳
- Green
- Tools
- Debian package 快速安裝
- 尋找某個檔案在哪個package
- Monitoring
- gPXE for sis900
- gPXE project?
- PHY 和 MAC 晶片的差異?
- MII (IEEE標準,負責PHY和MAC溝通)
- sis900.zpxe?
- meld: graphical tool to diff and merge files
- dsh & clusterssh
- Remote Administration with DSH
$ vim /etc/dsh/group/cloud cloud01 cloud02 $ dsh -g cloud -- w
- Remote Administration with DSH