
Version 100 (modified by rock, 16 years ago) (diff)



NameRock Kuo 郭文傑No image "1896360114.jpg" attached to rock
EducationFu-Jen Catholic University Institute of Information Management
InterestVirtualization Technology
High Performance File System & Storage


  • Support 3D Fly Circit
    • Test Lustre read status
    • 測試案例:Lustre存AVI檔,七台node用VLC同時去看影片
  • Build gtd-cloud platform
    • Merge XEN & Lustre kernel
    • Test XEN VM im DRBL environment
    • Test Lustre fs in DRBL environment
    • Eable Xen VM Images in Lustre storage
    • XEN VM management GUI tools
    • Design XEN scheduler for dynamic allocate and migrate
  • Data Grid
    • Data replication of Lustre
    • Connect Two sites of Lustre (Over LAN)
    • Load-balance & Location scheduler
    • How to evaluate


【3.Work Journal】?

【4.My Notes】?
