[[PageOutline]] ||'''Name'''||Rock Kuo 郭文傑 || ||'''Birthday'''||1980.12.31|| ||'''Education'''||Fu-Jen Catholic University Institute of Information Management|| ||'''Interest'''||Virtualization Technology[[BR]]High Performance File System & Storage[[BR]]|| ||'''Blog'''||http://www.wretch.cc/blog/goldjay|| ---- = [wiki:rock_old_task 【1.任務】] = == Project == * [https://trac.nchc.org.tw/grid/wiki/Osaka 大阪船舶模擬程式] * [https://trac.nchc.org.tw/grid/wiki/3D_Lustre Lustre Storage Cluster for 3D Fly platform ] * [https://trac.nchc.org.tw/grid/wiki/GTD_Cloud GTD Cloud] * '''''2008-10-27 ~ 10-31''''' 1. Using Lustre be Xen image database[[BR]] * '''''2008-10-20 ~ 10-24''''' 1. Merge XEN and Lustre Kernel[[BR]] 2. Test XEN & Lustre in DRBL * '''''2008-10-13 ~ 10-17''''' 1. Build Xen 和 Lustre 平台in DRBL[[BR]] * '''''2008-10-6 ~ 10-10''''' 1. Build Xen 和 Lustre 平台in DRBL[[BR]] 2. Debug Xen Networking * '''''2008-09-29 ~ 10-03''''' 1. Write Deployment Tools paper ---- = [wiki:rock_WJ 【2.工作日誌】] = * [wiki:rock_WJ 舊的工作日誌] * [wiki:rock_logion 大師名言] * [wiki:rock_Note 筆記] * '''''2008-10-31:''''' [[BR]] * [http://www.netfort.gr.jp/~dancer/software/dsh.html.en dsh] & [http://sourceforge.net/docman/display_doc.php?docid=22686&group_id=89139 clusterssh] * [http://www.linux-mag.com/id/3926/ Remote Administration with DSH] {{{ $ vim /etc/dsh/group/cloud cloud01 cloud02 cloud03 cloud04 $ dsh -g cloud -- w }}} * '''''2008-10-29:''''' [[BR]] * DRBL Client grub menu {{{ label drbl MENU DEFAULT MENU LABEL Ubuntu 8.04 (DRBL, Xen & Lustre) kernel mboot.c32 append xen.gz --- vmlinuz-pxe devfs=nomount drblthincli=off selinux=0 netloop.nloopbacks=0 --- initrd-pxe.img TEXT HELP * DRBL version: 1.9.1-26. (C) 2003-2008, NCHC, Taiwan * Disclaimer: DRBL comes with ABSOLUTE NO WARRANTY ENDTEXT }}} * '''''2008-10-28:''''' [[BR]] * Portable application for the OLPC XO * python * [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smalltalk smalltalk] * '''''2008-10-27:''''' [[BR]] * [http://www.linux-mag.com/id/7162 Cloud Computing: Resistance is Pointless] * 裡面有段談到Cloud和Virtualization的關係,原文如下-> Cloud Computing isn’t virtualization or vice versa but '''Cloud Computing creates an excellent platform for virtualization'''. Amazon’s EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud), for example, is a __Cloud Computing environment (as the name implies) built using Xen__. Alternatively, __Google bases its Cloud environment almost entirely upon physical hardware__. Providers who create Cloud-based environments for public consumption, like Amazon’s EC2, will do so using virtualization due to its '''low cost, flexibility, and high performance'''. * '''''2008-10-24:''''' [[BR]] * xen netloop module 1. http://henning.schmiedehausen.org/wingnut-diaries/archives/86 2. http://lists.xensource.com/archives/html/xen-devel/2007-01/msg01338.html * '''''2008-10-23:''''' [[BR]] * [wiki:rock_xen_version Xen各版本演進] * '''''2008-10-22:''''' [[BR]] >Xen & Lustre 的DRBL環境: >>DRBL Server -> xen[[BR]] >>DRBL Client -> xen01, xen02 (Xen,Luster enabled Kernel) 1. DRBL Client在開機過程中會額外產生veth0, veth1, veth2, veth3, vif0.1, vif0.2, vif0.3裝置,似乎是Xen的問題,此外在啟動xend服務時,會出現一些在DRBL Server Xen沒有的訊息。 2. DRBL Client虛擬的VM,網路無法連接到外面,可能是drbl的環境或是開機時產生的那些網路設備影響,有待進一步追蹤。 >已找到問題所在,Xen 3.1版本會使用Xen自身的netloop的,當DRBL Client開機時,在udhcp啟動前會根據netloop的數量抓到多餘的veth和vif裝置,解決方法可在kernel command時加上netloop.nloopbacks=0或是將其編譯成module ('''2008-10-24''') * '''''2008-10-21:''''' [[BR]] 1. 用DRBL去佈署cloud環境,執行drbl-srv -i 發現少了一個套件mkisofs,查了一下ubuntu hardy裝此套件整合在genisoimage裡了,若已有安裝genisoimage可忽略此訊息。http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/mkisofs 2. 採購的硬體到了,12顆640G硬碟和16條2G記憶體,目前缺SATA排線。之後可以構思要怎樣應用這些設備了。目前計畫是xen cluster的機器記憶體會裝到4G(1G給dom0,512M給6台domU or 1G給3台domU) * '''''2008-10-20:''''' [[BR]] * Xen & Lustre Kernel測試已可正常啟動Xen VM和Lustre FS,之後將用DRBL去佈署環境和survey要用那一套Xen VM management tools (ex. !OpenNebula, 小瓢蟲)較合適。 * '''''2008-10-15 ~ 17:''''' [[BR]] 1. 經過多次測試新版XEN 3.3.0,並採用source安裝於debian etch、Debian sid和ubuntu 8.04,始終有API Call的問題,在XEN maillist尚未有人提供解答,在XEN官方提供的資訊[http://wiki.xensource.com/xenwiki/DistributionSupport XEN supported Distribution],XEN對於各家Distribution的支援,目前只有fedora core 3和Mandriva才能使用較新版的XEN,而Debian目前只支援到XEN 3.0.1版,ubuntu到XEN 3.1版,所以可能改用XEN 3.1 source安裝的方式於ubuntu。 2. 成功從source安裝XEN 3.1.3在ubuntu 8.04 server (AMD64)上,可以正常啟動VM,VM的網路也能正常使用,接下來測試此XEN Kernel與Lustre Kernel的整合性和穩定性。 * '''''2008-10-14:''''' [[BR]] * [http://www.gridvm.org/drbd-lvm-gnbd-and-xen-for-free-and-reliable-san.html DRBD, LVM, GNBD, and Xen for free and reliable SAN] * [http://xenamo.sourceforge.net/index.html Xen with DRBD, GNBD and OCFS2 HOWTO] * '''''2008-10-08 ~ 09:''''' [[BR]]Trace xen 的 network-bridge,使用sh -x,結果無誤,但當中並沒有產生xenbr1,產生xenbr1的指令出現在vif-bridge,但猜測只有當虛擬機器啟動時才會執行此vif-bridge,只好先去trace xend * "The default bridge names have been changed in 3.2 from xenbr0 to eth0 " * [http://www.nabble.com/Problems-with-bridged-networking-td19393634.html#a19393634 problem with bridge] * [http://www.nabble.com/Re:API-call:-VIF.get_network-not-found-td19400117.html VIF.get_network not found] * [http://wiki.xensource.com/xenwiki/XenNetworking#head-708d4c55f42b5e2b866c06e1ae69530e8c748799 XEN Networking] >Error Message >>[2008-10-07 14:51:44 4382] WARNING (__init__:1072) API call: VBD.set_device not found[[BR]] >>[2008-10-07 14:51:44 4382] WARNING (__init__:1072) API call: VBD.set_type not found[[BR]] >>[2008-10-07 14:51:44 4382] WARNING (__init__:1072) API call: session.get_all_records not found[[BR]] >>[2008-10-07 14:51:44 4382] WARNING (__init__:1072) API call: event.get_record not found[[BR]] >>[2008-10-07 14:51:44 4382] WARNING (__init__:1072) API call: event.get_all not found[[BR]] >>[2008-10-07 14:51:44 4382] WARNING (__init__:1072) API call: VM.get_auto_power_on not found[[BR]] >>[2008-10-07 14:51:44 4382] WARNING (__init__:1072) API call: VM.set_auto_power_on not found[[BR]] >>[2008-10-07 14:51:44 4382] WARNING (__init__:1072) API call: VIF.get_network not found[[BR]] >>[2008-10-07 14:51:44 4382] WARNING (__init__:1072) API call: VIF.set_device not found[[BR]] >>[2008-10-07 14:51:44 4382] WARNING (__init__:1072) API call: VIF.set_MAC not found[[BR]] >>[2008-10-07 14:51:44 4382] WARNING (__init__:1072) API call: VIF.set_MTU not found[[BR]] >>[2008-10-07 14:51:44 4382] WARNING (__init__:1072) API call: debug.get_all not found[[BR]]