close Warning: Can't synchronize with repository "(default)" (Unsupported version control system "svn": /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/libsvn/ failed to map segment from shared object: Cannot allocate memory). Look in the Trac log for more information.

Version 6 (modified by jazz, 16 years ago) (diff)



備份聯合目錄 PostgreSQL 到實驗主機

  • 安裝 PostgreSQL 與 phpPGadmin
    • [參考] Debian Linux 架設 PostgreSQL + PhpPgAdmin
      jazz@oceandb:~$ sudo apt-get install postgresql phppgadmin
      jazz@oceandb:~$ sudo -u postgres psql template1
      Welcome to psql 8.3.4, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal.
      Type:  \copyright for distribution terms
             \h for help with SQL commands
             \? for help with psql commands
             \g or terminate with semicolon to execute query
             \q to quit
      template1=# create user PG_USER with password '${PASSWORD}' createdb createuser;
      template1=# alter user postgres with password '${PASSWORD}';
      template1=# \q
      jazz@oceandb:~$ sudo vi /etc/apache2/conf.d/phppgadmin
      jazz@oceandb:~$ sudo apache2ctl restart
      • etc/apache2/conf.d/phppgadmin

        99order deny,allow
        1010deny from all
        11 allow from ::1/128
        12 # allow from all
         11# allow from ::1/128
         12allow from all
        1414<IfModule mod_php5.c>
  • 把 PostgreSQL 資料庫 dump 出來
    • 先查詢 PostgreSQL 版本: 7.3.21
      [root@ncor root]# yum list
      rh-postgresql                       i386   7.3.21-1                 update
      rh-postgresql-contrib               i386   7.3.21-1                 update
      rh-postgresql-devel                 i386   7.3.21-1                 update
      rh-postgresql-docs                  i386   7.3.21-1                 update
      rh-postgresql-jdbc                  i386   7.3.21-1                 update
      rh-postgresql-libs                  i386   7.3.21-1                 update
      rh-postgresql-pl                    i386   7.3.21-1                 update
      rh-postgresql-python                i386   7.3.21-1                 update
      rh-postgresql-server                i386   7.3.21-1                 update
      rh-postgresql-tcl                   i386   7.3.21-1                 update
      rh-postgresql-test                  i386   7.3.21-1                 update
    • [參考] PostgreSQL 7.3.21 Documentation pg_dumpall
    • [參考] PostgreSQL 8.0.0 中文文件 Chapter 22. 備份和恢復