Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of mpich/constants

Mar 26, 2008, 5:24:16 PM (17 years ago)



  • mpich/constants

    v1 v1  
     2= Constants =
     3Meaning of MPIs defined constants
     5= Data types =
     6Note that the Fortran types should only be used in Fortran programs, and the C types should only be used in C programs. For example, it is in error to use MPI_INT for a Fortran INTEGER. Datatypes are of type MPI_Datatype in C and of tyep INTEGER in Fortran.
     8= C datatypes =
     11    char
     14    See standard; like unsigned char
     17    short
     20    int
     23    long
     26    float
     29    double
     32    unsigned char
     35    unsigned short
     38    unsigned int
     41    unsigned long
     44    long double (some systems may not implement)
     47    long long (some systems may not implement)
     51'''The following are datatypes for the MPI functions MPI_MAXLOC and MPI_MINLOC.'''
     54    struct { float, int }
     57    struct { long, int }
     60    struct { double, int }
     63    struct { short, int }
     66    struct { int, int }
     69    struct { long double, int }; this is an OPTIONAL type, and may be set to NULL
     73'''Note that there is no MPI_LONG_LONG_INT type corresponding to a struct { long long, int }.[[BR]]
     74Special datatypes for C and Fortran'''
     77    For MPI_Pack and MPI_Unpack
     80    For MPI_Type_struct; an upper-bound indicator
     83    For MPI_Type_struct; a lower-bound indicator
     87= Fortran datatypes =
     90    REAL
     93    INTEGER
     96    LOGICAL
     102    COMPLEX
     105    complex*16 (or complex*32) where supported.
     109'''The following datatypes are optional'''
     112    integer*1 if supported
     115    integer*2 if supported
     118    integer*4 if supported
     121    real*4 if supported
     124    real*8 if supported
     128'''The following are datatypes for the MPI functions MPI_MAXLOC and MPI_MINLOC. In Fortran, these datatype always consist of two elements of the same Fortran type.'''
     134    REAL, REAL
     140    COMPLEX, COMPLEX
     143    complex*16, complex*16
     147= Communicators =
     148Communicators are of type MPI_Comm in C and INTEGER in Fortran
     151    Contains all of the processes
     154    Contains only the calling process
     158= Groups =
     159Groups are of type MPI_Group in C and INTEGER in Fortran
     162    A group containing no members.
     164Results of the compare operations
     167    Identical
     170    (only for MPI_COMM_COMPARE) The groups are identical
     173    Same members, but in a different order
     176    Different
     180= Collective operations =
     181The collective combination operations (MPI_REDUCE, MPI_ALLREDUCE, MPI_REDUCE_SCATTER, and MPI_SCAN) take a combination operation. This operation is of type MPI_Op in C and of type INTEGER in Fortran. The predefined operations are
     184    return the maximum
     187    return the minumum
     190    return the sum
     193    return the product
     196    return the logical and
     199    return the bitwise and
     202    return the logical or
     205    return the bitwise of
     208    return the logical exclusive or
     211    return the bitwise exclusive or
     214    return the minimum and the location (actually, the value of the second element of the structure where the minimum of the first is found)
     217    return the maximum and the location
     221= Notes on collective operations =
     223The reduction functions (MPI_Op) do not return an error value. As a result, if the functions detect an error, all they can do is either call MPI_Abort or silently skip the problem. Thus, if you change the error handler from MPI_ERRORS_ARE_FATAL to something else, for example, MPI_ERRORS_RETURN, then no error may be indicated.
     225The reason for this is the performance problems in ensuring that all collective routines return the same error value.
     227Note that not all datatypes are valid for these functions. For example, MPI_COMPLEX is not valid for MPI_MAX and MPI_MIN. In addition, the MPI 1.1 standard did not include the C types MPI_CHAR and MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR among the lists of arithmetic types for operations like MPI_SUM. However, since the C type char is an integer type (like short), it should have been included. The MPI Forum will probably include char and unsigned char as a clarification to MPI 1.1; until then, users are advised that MPI implementations may not accept MPI_CHAR and MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR as valid datatypes for MPI_SUM, MPI_PROD, etc. MPICH does allow these datatypes.
     231= Permanent key values =
     232These are the same in C and Fortran
     235    Largest tag value
     238    Rank of process that is host, if any
     241    Rank of process that can do I/O
     244    Has value 1 if MPI_WTIME is globally synchronized.
     248= Null objects =
     251    Null communicator
     254    Null operation
     257    Null group
     260    Null datatype
     263    Null request
     266    Null error handler
     270= Predefined Constants =
     273    Maximum length of name returned by MPI_GET_PROCESSOR_NAME
     276    Maximum length of string return by MPI_ERROR_STRING
     279    Used by many routines to indicated undefined or unknown integer value
     282    Unknown rank
     285    Special keyval that may be used to detect uninitialized keyvals.
     288    Add this to the size of a MPI_BSEND buffer for each outstanding message
     291    This rank may be used to send or receive from no-one.
     294    In a receive, accept a message from anyone.
     297    In a receive, accept a message with any tag value.
     300    May be used to indicate the bottom of the address space
     304= Topology types =
     307    General graph
     310    Cartesian grid
     314= MPI Status =
     315The MPI_Status datatype is a structure. The three elements for use by programmers are
     318    Who sent the message
     321    What tag the message was sent with
     324    Any error return
     328= Special MPI types and functions =
     331    C type that holds any valid address.
     334    C function for handling errors (see MPI_Errhandler_create) .
     337    C function to combine values (see collective operations and MPI_Op_create)
     340    Function to copy attributes (see MPI_Keyval_create)
     343    Predefined copy function
     346    Function to delete attributes (see MPI_Keyval_create)
     349    Predefined delete function
     352    Predefined duplication function
     355    Error handler that forces exit on error
     358    Error handler that returns error codes (as value of MPI routine in C and through last argument in Fortran)
     362= MPI Error classes =
     365    Successful return code
     368    Invalid buffer pointer
     371    Invalid count argument
     374    Invalid datatype argument
     377    Invalid tag argument
     380    Invalid communicator
     383    Invalid rank
     386    Invalid root
     389    Null group passed to function
     392    Invalid operation
     395    Invalid topology
     398    Illegal dimension argument
     401    Invalid argument
     404    Unknown error
     407    message truncated on receive
     410    Other error; use Error_string
     413    internal error code
     416    Look in status for error value
     419    Pending request
     422    illegal mpi_request handle
     425    Last error code -- always at end