
Version 3 (modified by jazz, 16 years ago) (diff)


Some Notes from MPICH2 Installation Guide

Offical User's Guide

  • MPICH2 test examples - cpi
    • in Offical User's Guide
      mpd &
      cd /home/you/mpich2-installed/examples
      mpiexec -n 3 cpi
    • in Debian environment
      jazz@bio-cluster-12:~$ mpd &
      [1] 3551
      jazz@bio-cluster-12:~$ mpiexec -n 3 /usr/share/mpich2/examples/cpi
      Process 1 of 3 is on bio-cluster-12
      Process 2 of 3 is on bio-cluster-12
      Process 0 of 3 is on bio-cluster-12
      pi is approximately 3.1415926544231318, Error is 0.0000000008333387
      wall clock time = 0.001213
      jazz@bio-cluster-12:~$ mpdallexit
  • Compiling and Linking
    • 4.3 Special Issues for C++
      • Some users may get error messages such as
        SEEK_SET is #defined but must not be for the C++ binding of MPI
      • The problem is that both stdio.h and the MPI C++ interface use SEEK SET, SEEK CUR, and SEEK END. This is really a bug in the MPI-2 standard. You can try adding following definition to the command line
  • 5.1 Standard mpiexec
    • Currently, MPICH2 does not fully support calling the dynamic process routines from MPI-2 (e.g., MPI_Comm_spawn or MPI_Comm_accept) from processes that are not started with mpiexec.
    • Note: this might be the reason why we encounter R-MPI mpi.spawn.Rslaves() problem.
  • 5.3.1 Basic mpiexec arguments for MPD
    • You can use mpiexec to run non-MPI programs as well. This is sometimes useful in making sure all the machines are up and ready for use. Useful examples include
      mpiexec -n 10 hostname
      mpiexec -n 10 printenv

Offical Installer's Guide

MPICH2 Installation and Configuration Guide
