= macOS 筆記 = == csrutil == * 只能在 Recovery Mode 底下關閉 * 意義:System Integrity Protection (SIP) {{{ jazzwang:~$ csrutil usage: csrutil Modify the System Integrity Protection configuration. All configuration changes apply to the entire machine. Available commands: clear Clear the existing configuration. disable Disable the protection on the machine. Only available in Recovery OS. enable Enable the protection on the machine. Only available in Recovery OS. status Display the current configuration. netboot add
Insert a new IPv4 address in the list of allowed NetBoot sources. list Print the list of allowed NetBoot sources. remove
Remove an IPv4 address from the list of allowed NetBoot sources. authenticated-root status Show the current authenticated root setting. disable Allow booting from non-sealed system snapshots. Only available in Recovery OS. enable Only allow booting from sealed system snapshots. Only available in Recovery OS. }}} == softwareupdate == * Execute the following command to instruct a computer to download a full installer for macOS 12.2: {{{ softwareupdate --fetch-full-installer --full-installer-version 12.2 }}} == purge == * Linux 底下可以用 vm.drop_caches=3 來清除不必要的記憶體 {{{ sudo purge }}}