
Version 4 (modified by jazz, 14 years ago) (diff)



  • 查詢 qmgr 中設定的所有參數
    ~$ qmgr -c 'p s'
  • Ubuntu 有 torque 相關的 package
  • Debian 也有 torque 相關的 package 了!! (2010-05-22)
  • 跑 MPICH 工作的 pbs script - MPICH Multi-machine job
    # example3.pbs
    # invoke with
    # qsub -l nodes=2:ppn=1,pmem=1800mb,mem=1800mb,ncpus=2,cput=5:00:00 example3.pbs
    # note that we are using one cpu per node. That :ppn=1 is critical.
    # comment these out if you wish
    echo "qsub host is"
    echo $PBS_O_HOST
    echo "original queue is"
    echo $PBS_O_QUEUE
    echo "qsub working directory absolute is"
    echo $PBS_O_WORKDIR
    echo "pbs environment is"
    echo "pbs batch id"
    echo $PBS_JOBID
    echo "pbs job name from me is"
    echo $PBS_JOBNAME
    echo "Name of file containing nodes is"
    echo $PBS_NODEFILE
    echo "contents of nodefile is"
    echo "Name of queue to which job went is"
    echo $PBS_QUEUE
    # make sure we are in the right directory in case writing files
    # Run the mpi job
    # Note: the MPICH mpirun command is in /usr/local/bin
    # use the full path
    /usr/local/bin/mpirun -np 2 -machinefile $PBS_NODEFILE ./dft_mpi