= 2009-04-25 = * Comet 新知 * http://ajaxian.com/by/topic/comet * Comet 的實作 * 這裡有一張 Comet 軟體成熟度的表    * http://cometdaily.com/maturity.html * Perl : * [http://meteorserver.org/ Meteor] * Python : * [http://orbited.org/ Orbited] * Ruby : * [http://juggernaut.rubyforge.org/ Juggernaut] * Java Script * [http://www.flapjax-lang.org/ Flapjax] * [http://www.js.io/ JS.IO] * [http://code.google.com/p/joose-js/ Joose] - a meta object system for JavaScript * [http://code.google.com/p/pi-js/ pi-js] * Action Script * [http://pro-web.at/projects/jsso jsSO] * Smalltalk / Seaside * [http://wiki.squeak.org/squeak/5851 Asteroid] - a small Comet * Erlang * [http://code.google.com/p/mochiweb/ MochiWeb] * C * [http://www.freeliberator.com/ Liberator] * Java * [http://zkoss.org/smalltalks/zk3.5/#sp ZK 3.5] * [http://www.eclipse.org/jetty/about.php Jetty] * [http://directwebremoting.org/dwr/ DWR] - Easy Ajax for Java * [http://www.javeline.net/about-teleport.php TelePort] - from Javeline Technologies * [http://cometdproject.dojotoolkit.org/ Cometd] - Dojox - provide implementations of the Bayeux protocol in javascript, java, perl, python and other languages. * [http://weblogs.java.net/blog/jfarcand/archive/2007/02/gcometd_introdu_1.html gCometd] - Introducing the Cometd framework and its Bayeux protocol support in Grizzly * [http://www.kaazing.org/ Kaazing Gateway] * [https://atmosphere.dev.java.net/ Atmosphere] - a portable AjaxPush/Comet Framework for everyone * http://www.lightstreamer.com/ == Reference == * [http://alex.dojotoolkit.org/2006/03/comet-low-latency-data-for-the-browser/ Comet: Low Latency Data for the Browser]