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- Timestamp:
Jan 17, 2022, 10:09:24 AM (3 years ago)
- Author:
- Comment:
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
- Modified
| 1 | = 2022-01-17 = |
| 2 | |
| 3 | == homebrew == |
| 4 | {{{ |
| 5 | ~$ brew tap |
| 6 | homebrew/cask |
| 7 | homebrew/cask-fonts |
| 8 | homebrew/cask-versions |
| 9 | homebrew/core |
| 10 | homebrew/services |
| 11 | jazzwang/lab |
| 12 | }}} |
| 13 | {{{ |
| 14 | ~$ brew list --formula |
| 15 | bash-completion git mtr pcre2 tree |
| 16 | ca-certificates git-extras ncurses pidof unrar |
| 17 | coreutils gmp nmap rclone wget |
| 18 | dos2unix htop oniguruma readline |
| 19 | fzf libidn2 openssl@1.1 sqlite |
| 20 | gettext libunistring p7zip tig |
| 21 | }}} |
| 22 | {{{ |
| 23 | ~$ brew list --cask |
| 24 | esun-webatm-activex messenger vlc |
| 25 | firefox pingid vmware-horizon-client |
| 26 | font-hack skype zulu8 |
| 27 | google-chrome spectacle |
| 28 | joplin visual-studio-code |
| 29 | }}} |
| 30 | {{{ |
| 31 | #!graphviz |
| 32 | digraph "brew-dep" { rankdir=LR; node [shape=record]; |
| 33 | "ca-certificates"->"openssl@1.1"; "gettext"->"git"; "gettext"->"libidn2"; "gettext"->"wget"; "gmp"->"coreutils"; "libidn2"->"wget"; "libunistring"->"libidn2"; "libunistring"->"wget"; "ncurses"->"htop"; "openssl@1.1"->"nmap"; "openssl@1.1"->"wget"; "pcre2"->"git"; "readline"->"sqlite"; "readline"->"tig"; "bash-completion"; "ca-certificates"; "dos2unix"; "fzf"; "gettext"; "git-extras"; "gmp"; "libunistring"; "mtr"; "ncurses"; "oniguruma"; "p7zip"; "pcre2"; "pidof"; "rclone"; "readline"; "tree"; "unrar"; |
| 34 | } |
| 35 | }}} |