= 2020-10-14 = == SSH == * 工作上需要經過兩層跳板機才能存取到 AWS EMR,先前使用 `.ssh\config` 裡面的 `ProxyCommand`,但跳板機的設定比較嚴,研究了一下解法,除了靠 `ssh -J userA@跳板機A,userB@跳板機B userC@目的機` 以外,也可以使用 `.ssh\config` 裡的 `ProxyJump` * manpage 說明: `man ssh_config` {{{ #!bash ProxyJump Specifies one or more jump proxies as either [user@]host[:port] or an ssh URI. Multiple proxies may be separated by comma characters and will be visited sequentially. Setting this option will cause ssh(1) to connect to the target host by first making a ssh(1) connection to the specified ProxyJump host and then establishing a TCP forwarding to the ultimate target from there. Note that this option will compete with the ProxyCommand option - whichever is specified first will pre- vent later instances of the other from taking effect. Note also that the configuration for the destination host (either supplied via the command-line or the configuration file) is not generally applied to jump hosts. ~/.ssh/config should be used if specific configuration is required for jump hosts. }}}