= 2020-04-24 = == Windows PowerShell == * 避免遠端桌面進入螢幕保護 * Ref: https://www.shellhacks.com/windows-prevent-lock-screen-timeout-when-idle/ * Ref2: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9794893/powershell-toggle-num-lock-on-and-off {{{ $wsh = New-Object -ComObject WScript.Shell while (1) {$wsh.SendKeys('{SCROLLLOCK}'); sleep 60} }}} == SCOOP (Windows Homebrew) == * without Admin permission * 以下腳本算是混合了 cmder-full (內含 git-for-windows 也就是 scoop 的 git package) * `scoop install git cmder` = `scoop install cmder-full` {{{ ## Note: if you get an error you might need to change the execution policy (i.e. enable Powershell) with Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -scope CurrentUser ## NOTE: install to specified folder 'c:\scoop' ## https://techformist.com/install-scoop-for-command-line-nirvana/ $env:SCOOP='c:\scoop' [environment]::setEnvironmentVariable('SCOOP',$env:SCOOP,'User') iex (new-object net.webclient).downloadstring('https://get.scoop.sh') scoop install git # make Symlinks in Windows available ## https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32847697/windows-specific-git-configuration-settings-where-are-they-set/32849199#32849199 ## https://www.joshkel.com/2018/01/18/symlinks-in-windows/ [environment]::setEnvironmentVariable('MSYS','winsymlinks:nativestrict','User') scoop bucket add java scoop bucket add extras scoop install python scoop install ojdkbuild8-full scoop install chromedriver scoop install vscode-portable }}} == Git-Bash == * 要注意 `ln -s` 預設是不支援 * https://www.joshkel.com/2018/01/18/symlinks-in-windows/ * https://github.com/git-for-windows/git/wiki/Symbolic-Links#creating-directory-junctions * 可以改用 cmd.exe 的 "mklink /J <連結> <目標路徑>" {{{ mklink /J git e:/writable/git }}}