= 2020-03-30 = == SCOOP (Windows Homebrew) == {{{ ## Note: if you get an error you might need to change the execution policy (i.e. enable Powershell) with Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -scope CurrentUser ## ## https://techformist.com/install-scoop-for-command-line-nirvana/ $env:SCOOP='c:\scoop' $env:SCOOP_GLOBAL='c:\scoop' [environment]::setEnvironmentVariable('SCOOP',$env:SCOOP,'Machine') [environment]::setEnvironmentVariable('SCOOP_GLOBAL',$env:SCOOP_GLOBAL,'Machine') iex (new-object net.webclient).downloadstring('https://get.scoop.sh') ## make c:\scoop writable for different users ## https://superuser.com/a/584653 icacls c:\scoop /grant Everyone:F /t scoop install -g git scoop install -g python aws scoop install -g nodejs scoop install -g maven ant gradle scoop install -g gcc make scoop install -g sbt scoop install -g openssh scoop install -g nmap-portable scoop bucket add java scoop install -g openjdk12 scoop bucket add extras scoop install -g chromedriver scoop install -g googlechrome scoop install -g vscode-portable scoop install -g eclipse-java scoop bucket add jetbrains scoop install -g IntelliJ-IDEA-portable scoop install -g PyCharm-portable }}}