Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of jazz/19-10-29

Oct 29, 2019, 10:41:51 AM (5 years ago)



  • jazz/19-10-29

    v1 v1  
     1= 2010-10-29 =
     3== Python ==
     5* 需求:怎麼產生 pip package 的相依關係圖呢?
     6* 解法:
     7* 安裝:
     9~$ sudo pip3 install pipdeptree
     11* 產生相依圖:
     14digraph {
     15        xlrd [label="xlrd
     17        wrapt [label="wrapt
     19        wheel [label="wheel
     21        Werkzeug [label="Werkzeug
     23        webweb [label="webweb
     25        webweb -> numpy [label=">=1.16.3"]
     26        wcwidth [label="wcwidth
     28        urllib3 [label="urllib3
     30        "typed-ast" [label="typed-ast
     32        traitlets [label="traitlets
     34        traitlets -> decorator [label=any]
     35        traitlets -> six [label=any]
     36        traitlets -> "ipython-genutils" [label=any]
     37        "text-unidecode" [label="text-unidecode
     39        SQLAlchemy [label="SQLAlchemy
     41        soupsieve [label="soupsieve
     43        setuptools [label="setuptools
     45        selenium [label="selenium
     47        selenium -> urllib3 [label=any]
     48        "selenium-wire" [label="selenium-wire
     50        "selenium-wire" -> selenium [label=">=3.4.0"]
     51        retrying [label="retrying
     53        retrying -> six [label=">=1.7.0"]
     54        pytz [label="pytz
     56        pytimeparse [label="pytimeparse
     58        "python-slugify" [label="python-slugify
     60        "python-slugify" -> "text-unidecode" [label=">=1.3"]
     61        "python-dateutil" [label="python-dateutil
     63        "python-dateutil" -> six [label=">=1.5"]
     64        pyparsing [label="pyparsing
     66        pylint [label="pylint
     68        pylint -> mccabe [label=">=0.6,<0.7"]
     69        pylint -> isort [label=">=4.2.5,<5"]
     70        pylint -> astroid [label=">=2.3.0,<2.4"]
     71        Pygments [label="Pygments
     73        ptyprocess [label="ptyprocess
     75        "prompt-toolkit" [label="prompt-toolkit
     77        "prompt-toolkit" -> wcwidth [label=any]
     78        "prompt-toolkit" -> six [label=">=1.9.0"]
     79        plotly [label="plotly
     81        plotly -> six [label=any]
     82        plotly -> retrying [label=">=1.3.3"]
     83        pipdeptree [label="pipdeptree
     85        pipdeptree -> pip [label=">=6.0.0"]
     86        pip [label="pip
     88        pickleshare [label="pickleshare
     90        pexpect [label="pexpect
     92        pexpect -> ptyprocess [label=">=0.5"]
     93        parso [label="parso
     95        parsedatetime [label="parsedatetime
     97        parsedatetime -> future [label=any]
     98        pandas [label="pandas
     100        pandas -> numpy [label=">=1.13.3"]
     101        pandas -> "python-dateutil" [label=">=2.6.1"]
     102        pandas -> pytz [label=">=2017.2"]
     103        openpyxl [label="openpyxl
     105        openpyxl -> "et-xmlfile" [label=any]
     106        openpyxl -> jdcal [label=any]
     107        numpy [label="numpy
     109        networkx [label="networkx
     111        networkx -> decorator [label=">=4.3.0"]
     112        mccabe [label="mccabe
     114        matplotlib [label="matplotlib
     116        matplotlib -> pyparsing [label=">=2.0.1,!=2.1.6,!=2.1.2,!=2.0.4"]
     117        matplotlib -> kiwisolver [label=">=1.0.1"]
     118        matplotlib -> numpy [label=">=1.11"]
     119        matplotlib -> "python-dateutil" [label=">=2.1"]
     120        matplotlib -> cycler [label=">=0.10"]
     121        MarkupSafe [label="MarkupSafe
     123        lxml [label="lxml
     125        leather [label="leather
     127        leather -> six [label=">=1.6.1"]
     128        "lazy-object-proxy" [label="lazy-object-proxy
     130        kiwisolver [label="kiwisolver
     132        kiwisolver -> setuptools [label=any]
     133        Jinja2 [label="Jinja2
     135        Jinja2 -> MarkupSafe [label=">=0.23"]
     136        jedi [label="jedi
     138        jedi -> parso [label=">=0.5.0"]
     139        jdcal [label="jdcal
     141        itsdangerous [label="itsdangerous
     143        isort [label="isort
     145        isodate [label="isodate
     147        isodate -> six [label=any]
     148        ipython [label="ipython
     150        ipython -> decorator [label=any]
     151        ipython -> pickleshare [label=any]
     152        ipython -> setuptools [label=">=18.5"]
     153        ipython -> pygments [label=any]
     154        ipython -> backcall [label=any]
     155        ipython -> traitlets [label=">=4.2"]
     156        ipython -> pexpect [label=any]
     157        ipython -> jedi [label=">=0.10"]
     158        ipython -> "prompt-toolkit" [label=">=2.0.0,<2.1.0"]
     159        ipython -> appnope [label=any]
     160        "ipython-genutils" [label="ipython-genutils
     162        graphviz [label="graphviz
     164        future [label="future
     166        Flask [label="Flask
     168        Flask -> itsdangerous [label=">=0.24"]
     169        Flask -> Werkzeug [label=">=0.15"]
     170        Flask -> Jinja2 [label=">=2.10.1"]
     171        Flask -> click [label=">=5.1"]
     172        "Flask-Compress" [label="Flask-Compress
     174        "Flask-Compress" -> Flask [label=any]
     175        "et-xmlfile" [label="et-xmlfile
     177        decorator [label="decorator
     179        dbfread [label="dbfread
     181        dash [label="dash
     183        dash -> "dash-table" [label="==4.4.1"]
     184        dash -> plotly [label=any]
     185        dash -> "flask-compress" [label=any]
     186        dash -> "dash-core-components" [label="==1.3.1"]
     187        dash -> "dash-html-components" [label="==1.0.1"]
     188        dash -> "dash-renderer" [label="==1.1.2"]
     189        dash -> Flask [label=">=1.0.2"]
     190        dash -> future [label=any]
     191        "dash-table" [label="dash-table
     193        "dash-renderer" [label="dash-renderer
     195        "dash-html-components" [label="dash-html-components
     197        "dash-daq" [label="dash-daq
     199        "dash-daq" -> dash [label=">=1.0.0"]
     200        "dash-core-components" [label="dash-core-components
     202        cycler [label="cycler
     204        cycler -> six [label=any]
     205        csvkit [label="csvkit
     207        csvkit -> six [label=">=1.6.1"]
     208        csvkit -> "agate-sql" [label=">=0.5.3"]
     209        csvkit -> "agate-excel" [label=">=0.2.2"]
     210        csvkit -> agate [label=">=1.6.1"]
     211        csvkit -> "agate-dbf" [label=">=0.2.0"]
     212        Click [label="Click
     214        bs4 [label="bs4
     216        bs4 -> beautifulsoup4 [label=any]
     217        beautifulsoup4 [label="beautifulsoup4
     219        beautifulsoup4 -> soupsieve [label=">=1.2"]
     220        backcall [label="backcall
     222        Babel [label="Babel
     224        Babel -> pytz [label=">=2015.7"]
     225        astroid [label="astroid
     227        astroid -> six [label="==1.12"]
     228        astroid -> "lazy-object-proxy" [label="==1.4.*"]
     229        astroid -> "typed-ast" [label=">=1.4.0,<1.5"]
     230        astroid -> wrapt [label="==1.11.*"]
     231        appnope [label="appnope
     233        agate [label="agate
     235        agate -> Babel [label=">=2.0"]
     236        agate -> six [label=">=1.9.0"]
     237        agate -> isodate [label=">=0.5.4"]
     238        agate -> "python-slugify" [label=">=1.2.1"]
     239        agate -> pytimeparse [label=">=1.1.5"]
     240        agate -> parsedatetime [label=">=2.1"]
     241        agate -> leather [label=">=0.3.2"]
     242        "agate-sql" [label="agate-sql
     244        "agate-sql" -> sqlalchemy [label=">=1.0.8"]
     245        "agate-sql" -> agate [label=">=1.5.0"]
     246        "agate-excel" [label="agate-excel
     248        "agate-excel" -> xlrd [label=">=0.9.4"]
     249        "agate-excel" -> openpyxl [label=">=2.3.0"]
     250        "agate-excel" -> agate [label=">=1.5.0"]
     251        "agate-dbf" [label="agate-dbf
     253        "agate-dbf" -> dbfread [label=">=2.0.5"]
     254        "agate-dbf" -> agate [label=">=1.5.0"]
     255        six [label="six
     257        protobuf [label="protobuf
     259        protobuf -> six [label=">=1.9"]
     260        protobuf -> setuptools [label=any]