
Version 6 (modified by jazz, 11 years ago) (diff)



4TB 硬碟開機

  • <狀況> 使用 preseed 安裝 Ubuntu 12.04 到一 4TB 硬碟,分割區自動切割為 /dev/sda1 (未格式化) , /dev/sda2 (EXT4), /dev/sda3 (SWAP)
    • 掛載 /dev/sda2 確實有 Ubuntu 12.04 安裝後的檔案,但無法開機。
  • <懷疑> 找了些資料,首先,因為太大,必須改用 GPT。這一點 Ubuntu 12.04 確實已經改用 GPT 了。
    • 其次,應該就是 grub 如何正確安裝到 GPT 的硬碟上,好讓它可以正常開機。
    • 條件一:Linux Kernel 支援 CONFIG_EFI_PARTITION - 參考來源
      EFI GUID Partition support works on both 32bit and 64bit platforms. You must include GPT support in kernel in order to use GPT. 
      If you don't include GPT support in Linux kernel, after rebooting the server, the file system will no longer be mountable or 
      the GPT table will get corrupted. By default Redhat Enterprise Linux / CentOS comes with GPT kernel support. 
      However, ***if you are using Debian or Ubuntu Linux,*** you need to recompile the kernel. 
      Set CONFIG_EFI_PARTITION to y to compile this feature. 
    • 條件二:磁區必須是 BIOS Boot Partition 或 EFI System Partition - 參考來源
      Be aware that if you're booting from a GPT disk, you may need to include special partitions -- 
      either a BIOS Boot Partition for BIOS-based computers or an EFI System Partition (ESP) for EFI- or UEFI-based computers. 
      If the disk isn't a boot disk, you don't need these features. 
    • 驗證工具:gfdisk
      parted isn't the only GPT-capable partitioning tool in Linux. Anything based on libparted (parted, GParted, 
      Palimpsest Disk Utility, or others) will do, as will the GPT fdisk tools (gdisk or sgdisk). The util-linux 
      tools (fdisk, sfdisk, and cfdisk) can't handle GPT. The Ubuntu installer is based on libparted and so is GPT-capable.
  • <實驗> 產生一個 4TB 的虛擬硬碟給 VirtualBox 用。
    ~$ sudo apt-get install qemu-utils
    ~$ qemu-img create -f vmdk Ubuntu_4TB.vmdk 4T

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