= 2013-11-23 = == 4TB 硬碟開機 == * <狀況> 使用 preseed 安裝 Ubuntu 12.04 到一 4TB 硬碟,分割區自動切割為 /dev/sda1 (未格式化) , /dev/sda2 (EXT4), /dev/sda3 (SWAP)  * 掛載 /dev/sda2 確實有 Ubuntu 12.04 安裝後的檔案,但無法開機。 * [[Image(jazz/13-11-23:ubuntu_4TB_partition.png)]] * <懷疑> 找了些資料,首先,因為太大,必須改用 GPT。這一點 Ubuntu 12.04 確實已經改用 GPT 了。 * 其次,應該就是 grub 如何正確安裝到 GPT 的硬碟上,好讓它可以正常開機。 * 條件一:磁區必須是 BIOS Boot Partition 或 EFI System Partition - [http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1831899 參考來源] {{{ Be aware that if you're booting from a GPT disk, you may need to include special partitions -- either a BIOS Boot Partition for BIOS-based computers or an EFI System Partition (ESP) for EFI- or UEFI-based computers. If the disk isn't a boot disk, you don't need these features. }}} * 驗證工具:gfdisk {{{ parted isn't the only GPT-capable partitioning tool in Linux. Anything based on libparted (parted, GParted, Palimpsest Disk Utility, or others) will do, as will the GPT fdisk tools (gdisk or sgdisk). The util-linux tools (fdisk, sfdisk, and cfdisk) can't handle GPT. The Ubuntu installer is based on libparted and so is GPT-capable. }}} * <實驗> 產生一個 4TB 的虛擬硬碟給 VirtualBox 用。 {{{ ~$ sudo apt-get install qemu-utils ~$ qemu-img create -f vmdk Ubuntu_4TB.vmdk 4T }}}