= 2012-11-28 = * http://www.cendio.com/seamlessrdp/ - 可以透過 RDP 將 Windows 特定應用程式秀到 Linux 上 == OpenADR == * Installation Checklist: {{{ For completeness, the following list should be consulted during the installation process to insure that required steps have not been overlooked. Detailed instructions for each step appear following this list. - Download (as .zip file) OpenADR toolkit. - Download and Install J2EE SDK and Java SE JRE. - Download and Install OracleXE database. - Configure OpenADR Database Schema. - Download and Install Tomcat 6 Web Application Server. - Download and Install 3rd Party Java Libraries to “requiredLibraries” Directory. - Download and Install Basic Eclipse IDE program. Build and Execute OpenADR Programs. }}}