= 2012-10-25 = == Hadoop World 2012 (Keynotes) == * 9:10am '''Hadoop: Thinking Big''' - John Schroeder (MapR Technologies) * MapR breaks Terasort benchmark record on Google Compute Engine * 9:20am '''Beyond Batch''' - Doug Cutting (Cloudera) * HBase: First Non-Batch Component * Google Give US Map - 2012 Spanner Paper , 26 authors! * Cloudera Impala (2010) -> Google Dremel (2010) : online queries !! * 9:30am '''Cloud, Mobile and Big Data – How Analytics Provides Value to the Buzzwords''' - Paul Kent (SAS) * 讓企業可以更即時地做出決策 - Action in Time * Predicting Future outcomes * 9:35am '''They Don't Teach You That In School''' - Cathy O'Neil, Julie Steele (O'Reilly Media, Inc.) * What is the requirement of Data Scientist - Machine Learning, Statistics * Feature Selection - Machine Learning for Ad. * 9:45am '''From Traditional Database to Big Data Platform''' - Irfan Khan (SAP) * 9:50am '''Of Rocket Ships and Washing Machines: Data Technology for People''' - Joe Hellerstein (Trifacta and UC Berkeley) * 就像洗碗機的發明,我們還在很早期的資料科學發展階段,因為八成的資料處理工作都在整理資料 - 80% work is in cleaning the data * Develop productivity technology * Shreddr - http://www.captricity.com * Analytic Trifecta * 10:00am '''Are We Really Winning the Information Revolution?''' - Samantha Ravich (National Commission for the Review of R&D Programs in the Intelligence Community) * 我們骨子裡知道答案就在那一堆資料裡,然而現在我們有太多太多的資料了。 * 資料太多,必須要透過選擇、考慮優先權,才有辦法真正從中得到洞見,做出正確的決策。 == Hadoop World 2012 (Sessions) == * 10:50am '''Performing Data Science with HBase''' - Aaron Kimball (WibiData) * Crunch : MapReduce pipelines for python and Scala - Apache Project * PCollections : Crunch data sets (P stands for Parallel) * 11:40am '''Upcoming Enterprise features in Apache HBase 0.96''' - Jonathan Hsieh (Cloudera, Inc) * '''NOTE: Very Nice slides for Enterprise who plan to use HBase. It will tell you what should you prepare and the required architecture.''' * Risk = downtime + data lost * Production System need to avoid risk * Risks from within the cluster * Unplanned Maintenanace - Hardware / Software Error - Detection Time + Recovery Time * automated metadata repairs with ```hbck (0.92)`` * 0.92/0.94 - 180s to detect Region Server Failure, 0.96 - 0~1s to detect Region Server Failure * Planned Maintanace - Use NameNode HA + ZK to solve the problem * Risks from outside the cluster * Amazon 停電問題, Backhoe : the true cyberthreat 怪手才是真正的網路威脅! * HBase Support Batch Backups - (1) Export / Dist CP / Import (2) Copy Table (異地備援) * HBase replication (0.92+) - (1) Master - Slave (0.90) (2) Master - Master (0.92) * Risks from User * User Err - Ex. drop 'table' * 解法一:User Level Security (Access Control) - based on Kerbose * 解法二:Table Snapshot (0.96+) * 13:40pm '''Designing Scalable Network Architectures for Fast Moving Big Data''' - Kenneth Duda (Arista Networks), Amr Awadallah (Cloudera, Inc.) * 如何設計大型 Hadoop 叢集的網路架構 * (Think: 講者提到 Buffer 對 Hadoop 效能的影響, 所以在調校) * ZTP (Zero-Touch Provisioning) - 用來控制 Switch 設定 .... Hmmm... Cool~ ( 用在 eBay ) * MLAG for High Availability - 網路的 HA .... Cool Feature ~ * Fast Server Failover - 如何根據 ICMP 封包的狀態,來判斷伺服器已經離線,為何要等到 OS 判斷呢?直接讓 Switch 告訴連線來源吧~ * eOS : 可以在 Switch 上安裝常用的監控軟體(Ex. Ganglia, Nagios, fping, etc.) * (Think: 這是需求的最開始規劃階段應該思考的問題, 考慮 MapReduce 跟 HDFS -> 多少計算、儲存,但是網路常常會被忽略 -> Switch 選擇與監控支援. It's all about SCALE!!) * QoS 支援 - 這些問題都是在非常大型的環境裏面才會發生 * OpenFlow (SDN, Software Defined Network)對 Hadoop 環境的影響 - 為了 Data Locality / Rack Aware 過去必須要靠人工設定 * 14:30pm '''Is Your Cluster a Leaning Tower of Pisa?''' - Michael Segel (Think Big Analytics) * 笑話:醫學系二年級的學生最主要學到的是怎麼問病患問題!!因為好的診斷來自好的問題!! * (Think: 這裡舉的問題例子還真像 forum.hadoop.tw 常見的問題,結果要經過兩三次往返才能真正切入問題本身,有時不是叢集架構問題,但有時候還是習慣假設是環境的問題) * (Think: CHUG 的 Logo -> 放個台灣來設計個 Taiwan Hadoop User Group Logo) * (Think: 企業導入 Hadoop 的流程 Workflow . FAQs , Vendor Supply Chain , ..) * Different Type of Cluster - from "on promise" to "CAAS (Cluster as a Service)" * CAAS - Redundant Data Centers as an option (異地備援, CDN) * DR(Desaster Recovery)/BCP(?) * Golden Ratio - * CPU cores to Memory - 4~8 GB RAM per Core * 1+ Spindles (Hard Drives) per Core * > 4 drives 1GBe is not enough (Network) * '''According to Moore -> the optimal ratio will be re-evaluated.''' * Think about TCO (Total Cost of Ownership)!! * Using VMs : * PRO: Allow Multi-tendency * In furture - we expect to see more virtualization * Mesos / Spark - Berkly * YARN * Storm * Use VM to keep the ratio 'balance'!! * 16:10pm '''Real-time Big Data Without Streaming''' - Ron Bodkin (Think Big Analytics) * 算是比較高階的架構問題,不同的即時性應用該採用怎樣的架構。 * 覺得基本上元件就那幾樣(NoSQL, Index, Search, Streaming Server),但是後續更難的應該是把這些元件連接起來的方法(Ex.接頭)。 * 17:00pm '''Realtime Processing with Storm''' - Gabriel Eisbruch (Mercadolibre.Com), Luis Darío Simonassi (MercadoLibre.Com), Jonathan Leibiusky (MercadoLibre.com)