= 2012-02-28 = == Linux ls == * 經常使用的 ls 指令,您可知道每個欄位所代表的意義呢? * [http://how-to.linuxcareer.com/learning-linux-commands-ls Learning Linux Commands: ls ] * 原來有一個欄位是 hard link count ,真神奇~ == AWK == * [http://www.simplehelp.net/2012/02/05/how-to-get-started-using-awk/ How to get started using awk] * 用 -F"分隔符號" {{{ # awk -F’:’ {’print $1′} /etc/passwd }}} * 統計 Apache Access Log {{{ # awk ‘$9 == 200 { print $1}’ access.log | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr }}} == Debian == * [http://blog.james.rcpt.to/2012/02/13/debian-wheezy-us19-billion-your-price-free/ Debian Wheezy: US$19 Billion. Your price… FREE!] * 提到一個 COCOMO 估價模型,還有一個原始碼統計軟體 [http://packages.debian.org/sloccount sloccount] == Cloud Computing == * [[Image(http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_vG7sxYMktyY/TFcrDxhJSxI/AAAAAAAAANw/UKdp5qHyIYM/s1600/Cloud_basics.JPG)]] * [[Image(http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_vG7sxYMktyY/TG1QDQS6cVI/AAAAAAAAAOw/vU95_4RAoqY/s1600/Cloud_IS_ISNOT.jpg)]] * [[Image(http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_vG7sxYMktyY/TG1QkohHOwI/AAAAAAAAAO4/d7Sjv261Uzs/s1600/Virtu_IS_ISNOT.jpg)]] == Smart XXX == * 這年代甚麽都講「智慧」! * [[Image(http://image.tca.org.tw/AD/EDM1010224101145/images/edm2_r3_c1.jpg)]] == 職場技能 == * [http://www.forbes.com/sites/georgebradt/2011/04/27/top-executive-recruiters-agree-there-are-only-three-key-job-interview-questions/ Top Executive Recruiters Agree There Are Only Three True Job Interview Questions] * 不管是擔任面試主考官,抑或是被面試的求職者,最主要都需要回答三個問題:能力、動機、吻合度(能否融入企業文化) {{{ (1) Can You Do the Job? – Strengths (2) Will You Love the Job? - Motivation (3) Can We Tolerate Working With You? – Fit }}} * [http://www.primegenesis.com/blog/2011/04/can-we-tolerate-working-with-you-fit/ 這裡]還提出一個探討吻合度的模型 - Behaviors, Relationships, Attitudes, Values, and Environment (BRAVE).