
Version 2 (modified by jazz, 13 years ago) (diff)




  • Linux Kernel Now Supports OpenRISC, Nested Virtualization - Linux Kernel 3.1 支援在虛擬機器裡面開啟虛擬機器。
    Linux has support for nested virtualization within the KVM (Kernel-based Virtual Machine) hypervisor. 
    This feature, built from AMD's Nested VMX, allows a virtual machine to be run from inside another. 
    Linux will also provide KVM with the ability to tap into the SMEP (Supervisory Mode Execute Protection) 
    of Intel's next-generation Ivy Bridge processors, which should reduce some of the performance overhead 
    typically associated with virtual clients.
    Users of the Xen hypervisor get some new features as well: Linux 3.1 will be the first to allow Xen-based 
    virtual machines to directly access devices on a PCI bus, a capability previously only available through 
    a patch. It also folds in Xen's Balloon Driver, which can be used to adjust the amount of working memory 
    used by a virtual machine during operation.
  • Linux 3.1 released with NFC support - 更特別的是加入 NFC 近場通訊的支援!