= 2011-05-23 = == HPCC == * Top500 都會用 HPCC 去跑一些效能測試,剛好 debian 底下也有 [http://packages.debian.org/hpcc hpcc 套件] * 參考 /usr/share/doc/hpcc/README.Debian 的說明,可以用 mpirun.openmpi hpcc 執行 {{{ ~$ sudo apt-get install hpcc openmpi-bin ~$ cp /usr/share/doc/hpcc/examples/_hpccinf.txt hpccinf.txt ~$ mpirun -np 4 hpcc }}} == Redhat Open Shift == * Ubuntu 擁抱 [http://www.openstack.org OpenStack], redhat 則釋出 openshift * http://openshift.redhat.com == DRBL-like == * 今天看到兩個專案跟 DRBL 很像,或許該說跟 CAI 也很像,都是為了搭建叢集而生的專案。 * http://kestrelhpc.sourceforge.net - KestrelHPC is a set of tools which help setting up a diskless Beowulf cluster. * http://www.pelicanhpc.org/ - PelicanHPC is an iso-hybrid (CD or USB) image that let's you set up a high performance computing cluster in a few minutes. 根據描述是從 !ParallelKnoppix 延伸出來的。 == Debian == * [http://neuro.debian.net/index.html Debian Neuroscience Repository] * [http://www.debian.org/devel/debian-med/ Debian Med] * http://people.debian.org/~tille/talks/