Version 3 (modified by jazz, 14 years ago) (diff) |
- - 把檔案放上去做各種掃毒軟體的掃描結果總和
- 關於台大 CMLab 的幾個有趣的論文:
- A Collaborative Benchmark for Region of Interest Detection Algorithms
- Tiling Slideshow - Audiovisual Slideshow: Present Your Journey by Photos - 根據音樂節奏、加入相片的特徵分群(依時間、相似度、橫向直向等)、運算重點感興趣的區域、自動套入樣板。蠻有趣的一個研究,對於要把旅行相片或者是婚紗相片變成影片,真是個不錯的工具。可以看展示影片比較有感覺。
Hadoop HDFSProxy
- The Mellanox Solution for Web 2.0 and Big Data - mellanox 用硬體去加速 Hadoop 與 Memcached Mellanox Hadoop-Direct accelerates Hadoop networks and improves the scaling of Hadoop clusters executing data analytics intensive applications. A novel data moving protocol, which uses RDMA in combination with an efficient merge-sort algorithm, enables Hadoop clusters based on Mellanox InfiniBand and 10GbE with RoCE (RDMA over Converged Ethernet) adapter cards to efficiently move data between servers, accelerating the Hadoop framework.
- NetApp e5400 - NetApp 針對 Big Data 應用(Ex. Hadoop)強化 IOPS
- SnapLogic 的 SnapReduce - 這間公司目標想把 Hadoop 變成更簡單,設計了圖形化介面來作 Map/Reduce? 工作的規劃。
Attachments (2)
- ROI.png (310.0 KB) - added by jazz 14 years ago.
- SnapReduce.png (399.2 KB) - added by jazz 14 years ago.
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