= 2011-04-01 = * http://code.google.com/p/snappy/ - Google 釋出快速壓縮與解壓縮的程式碼 == Virtualization == * [http://www.howtoforge.com/paravirtualization-with-xen-4.0-on-debian-squeeze-amd64 Paravirtualization With Xen 4.0 On Debian Squeeze (AMD64)] == Hadoop == * 看樣子今年 Structure Big Data 研討會,出現 Hadoop 相關的新興公司非常多啊~這場火會延燒到台灣嘛?! * [http://gigaom.com/cloud/as-big-data-takes-off-the-hadoop-wars-begin/ As Big Data Takes Off, the Hadoop Wars Begin] - Hadoop 的戰線逐漸進入白熱化狀態,當然有人在擔心這樣會不會太仰賴單一軟體平台。 {{{ * Full-on distributions * Apache Hadoop * Cloudera’s Distribution including Apache Hadoop (that’s the official name) * IBM Distribution of Apache Hadoop * DataStax Brisk * Amazon Elastic MapReduce * HDFS alternatives * Mapr * Appistry CloudIQ Storage Hadoop Edition * IBM Global Parallel File System (GPFS) * CloudStore * Hadoop MapReduce alternatives * Pervasive DataRush * Cascading * Hive (an Apache subproject, included in Cloudera’s distribution) * Pig (a Yahoo-developed language, included in Cloudera’s distribution) }}} * [http://www.datastax.com/products/brisk Brisk] - 一個 Cassandra + Hadoop 的平台 * [http://www.mapr.com/ Mapr] - 想要取代 HDFS 的另一個方案 * [http://kosmosfs.sourceforge.net/ CloudStore] - CloudStore (formerly, Kosmos filesystem) is an open-source high performance distributed filesystem - CloudStore is integrated with Hadoop and Hypertable. - [http://www.slideshare.net/steve_l/hdfs 參考] - 原來 CloudStore 就是早期的 KFS (Kosmos filesystem)啊!它整合了 hadoop 跟 hypertable,使用 C++ 實作。 * [[Image(hdfs_competitors.png)]] * http://www.hadapt.com/ - Hadapt 是一個訴求讓 SQL-like 應用能比用 HBase 更快的公司,底下是效能比較跟架構圖 * [[Image(http://www.hadapt.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/combo-graph-1024x449.png)]] * [[Image(http://www.hadapt.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/Hadapt-Block-Diagram-1024x529.jpg)]] * [http://www.raveldata.com/ Ravel] 這間公司想把 Google 的 Pregel 這種 graph database 移植到 Hadoop 上。 * [http://gigaom.com/cloud/ravel-hopes-to-open-source-graph-databases/ Ravel Hopes to Open-Source Graph Databases] * [http://www.objectivity.com/ Objectivity] - 也是目標 Graph database 的公司 * [ Twitter’s Success Pulls 23-Year-Old Objectivity Into NoSQL] * [[Image(http://gigaom2.files.wordpress.com/2011/03/objectivitydb.png)]] * [[Image(http://gigaom2.files.wordpress.com/2011/03/objectivitydb2.png)]] * [備忘] https://github.com/cloudera/iTest - Cloudera 用來測試 Hadoop 叢集效能的一些工具 == Python == * [http://www.codemud.net/~thinker/GinGin_CGI.py/show_id_doc/443 使用 PyShada 在 Python 裡呼叫 shell command] == !ImageMagick == * 因為很習慣想要把 cloud.nchc.org.tw 的 munin 狀態合併成一張圖,做上下對應,所以找了怎麼在命令列合併圖片的工具。果不其然在 !ImageMagick 就有這樣一個工具叫做 Montage * [參考] [http://gis.nchc.org.tw/lsi/linux_basic/discuss/look.asp?id=939&Page=4&ADMIN=1 阿德學長的介紹] * [http://www.imagemagick.org/Usage/montage/ montage 的使用文件] {{{ #!sh wget http://cloud.nchc.org.tw/munin/localdomain/localhost.localdomain/cpu-week.png wget http://cloud.nchc.org.tw/munin/localdomain/localhost.localdomain/memory-week.png wget http://cloud.nchc.org.tw/munin/localdomain/localhost.localdomain/swap-week.png montage -tile 1x3 cpu-week.png memory-week.png swap-week.png -geometry +0+0 munin-status.png }}} == 領導 == * [http://www.cw.com.tw/article/print.jsp?id=43181 獵人與農夫] {{{ 好的領導人,通常都同時擁有獵人和農夫這兩種特質,如何在這兩個特質之間取得平衡, 並完美結合,考驗著領導人的智慧。 領導人必須感激與鼓勵兩種特質的人互相合作與互補,不能把鎂光燈放在獵人身上,否則 公司的品質平衡度會下降。 }}}